Chapter 2

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Thank you to those who actually took time to read my story:P Me and Bob(my imaginary friend) have put alot of effort into this. ☺*Bob says hi*

Chapter Two

This is a dream. It's all a dream. I will wake up in a few seconds to find myself in the comfort of my own bed. One.... Two..... Three..... and nothing! So it's true,

I actually have to tutor that idiot? My life is completely ruined. I slowly rose from my seat and made my way out of the principal's office and headed towards the

front door only to be attacked my a screaming Mercy. "What the frig happened? You never get sent to the P's office. What you do? Did you vandalize the girl's

bathroom, or bust the windows on Carrey's (secretary) car, OOOOHHHH you knocked Stella's lights out?" "Nope. I became a tutor." I stated quietly. " Oh. Well

that's good. You're insanely smart and cool!" Lies, all lies. I may be smart but for one thing, I am not even remotely cool. " You're so happy for me and you haven't

even guessed who I have to tutor!" This will be easy. " Uhhhhh, John Galiger?" "No" " Liane Trills?" "Nada" " Jessika Skullar" " Oh god no. She's way beyond

freaky!" Jessika wasn't the social type. That's all I have to say.

"I give up." Confession time. " Ryan Grey." I mumbled. " Come the chuck again?" "You heard me. Hey ima get going. Text me later." I said walking off to the

gates. Mercy stood there in shock completely paralyzed. I just shook my head and chuckled. Wait, how am I suppose to know where Ryan lives? " Mercy, snap

out of it! Where does Ryan live?" She recoverd quickly. " He lives at 306 Springler Drive (not a real address)" She always knew this type of stuff because she's always invited to those parties. "Thanks!" I continued down the road to my house where "she' will be waiting. I walked through the door and was immediately bombarded with demands. " Put this on, try that, button this, zip that, don't let that drag, be ready my 6:00." So irr- wait 6:00 for what? " What's happening at 6 mom?" " Where going out so can meet some clients while you show off your new clothes." She said all cheeky." Sorry but I can't." I said. " What do you mean you can't? You have nothing better to do with your life but sit around the house and do homework. Get a life! Your coming with me tonight and that's final!" I had tutoring tonight but she wouldn't let me leave for that. Think. think, brain blast! Im a Jimmy Nuetron fan, sue me. " Mom I can't go because im... going to a party... with Mercy!" Perfect. " Ohhh. Really?"

"Well have fun." Finally. I went upstairs to my room and put on some light blue skinny jeans and a brown t-shirt. I grabbed my back pack and ran down stairs

and out the door. It took me about 35 minutes to reach Ryan's house and let me tell you, it was huge! I walked up the front steps and knocked on the huge oak door. Soon the door slowly opened to reveal A very pissed Ryan. This is gonna be a long night!

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