1. ✩

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Ever since Arlo ambushed John, John swore he would hate the blond king forever. Same went for Arlo, the king thought he would hate John forever after the raging high-tier destroyed the hierarchy and caused absolute chaos in the school.

However, it seems the both of them were wrong.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:(episode 245)it was barely night in Rowden, John dragged his shoes down the halls of the hotel the safe house was staying in to the door of his room

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
(episode 245)
it was barely night in Rowden, John dragged his shoes down the halls of the hotel the safe house was staying in to the door of his room. His shoes rubbing on the nice carpet floor of the hallway.

'Why won't Sera just rely on me?' he thought as he remembered the previous events. Sera telling John shouldn't he shouldn't get involved. John frowned and let out a long exhausted sigh, the trip to the hotel was tiring and he felt worn down from rushing.

John continued walking down the hallway until the door of his room was finally in view.
He yawned before opening the door, the door made a loud creaking noise as he opened it.
John closed his eyes for a second in drowsiness, when he opened them they widened in surprise.

"WAAHHH!" He heard Isen squeal in fear, John stared at him with a blank expression. Right beside Isen was his 'good pal' Blyke. They were sat on one of the two beds in the room, the bed they were sitting on was closer to the door than the other bed; Which was beside the window.

"See? What'd I tell ya!" Isen pointed at John in fear. John, who had no context for what Isen was blabbering about, simply raised a brow at them in confusion.

"..." Blyke stayed silent, he merely glared at John with his sharp golden eyes.

"Where do I put my stuff?" John finally spoke.

Blyke ruffled his hair and let out a small sigh.
'Calm down, he's only here for one night.' He thought, Blyke and John weren't exactly on 'good' terms with each other.

"Anywhere's fine, as long as no one trips over it." the red haired boy said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Okay." John was about to put his stuff down, however he paused he heard the clicking of bathroom door being opened.
The raven haired boy turned his head towards the door, when he saw who opened it his eyes widened and he took a small step back.

It was...Arlo!

Arlo's eyes widened as well, and he let out a small gasp. The blond's hair appeared to be wet and he was holding a towel. Arlo had clearly just finished taking a shower.

"Arlo-" John began.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Arlo quickly cut him off.

John analyzed the taller male for a second, he found that he quite liked his wet hair. He thought it was kind of funny the way it fell like noodles compared to his regular fluffy hair. John also found his wet hair kind of...charming?

Of course he wasn't attracted to the blonde, he despised him.

However, John couldn't help the way he stared at him. He didn't want to admit it, but he did think Arlo was good looking. It's natural to think another guy is good looking, isn't it?

"I came because you told me to." The shorter male replied after he finally snapped out of his weird thoughts.

"I told you to? What the hell are you talking about?" Arlo stared at him with confused eyes.

"You voted for me!" John said as he pouted.

"And you took it as an invitation? What kind of reasoning is that?" The blond crossed his arms as he spoke.

Isen and Blyke watched from the two men bicker from their sitting position on the bed, Blyke glared at them in annoyance.

"I know you need me for something! Don't try to hide it from me Arlo!" John shouted at Arlo.

"Hey! HEY!" Blyke shouted as he clapped his hands.

"It's quiet hours so keep it down! You're gonna wake our neighbors up!" The red haired boy grumbled, clearing irritated from the loud arguing.

"Besides, we need to get ready for bed. We've got an early day tomorrow." Blyke rubbed his temples.

"Uh, so.." John paused.

"I thought it was two to a room, why are there four of us?" He trailed on,

"Well, we didn't have time to make additional reservations. Arlo signed up last minute..and you aren't even supposed to be here." Blyke tiredly replied.

"It's fine, there's plenty of space. Isen and I will share this bed..and you and Arlo can take the other." He stared at the other two boys before pointing towards the other bed.

John and Arlo stared at Blyke with blank expressions for a second before finally reacting.
Arlo's eyes widened and so did John's.

"Oh, hell no." The blacked haired boy grimaced.

"You want me to sleep with him?! No way!"John glared at Arlo.

The taller boy stayed silent. He didn't exactly approve the idea, but he at least wanted to be mature.

"You're in no position to make demands...You don't wanna share? Then go sleep outside!" Blyke stood up from the bed and yelled at John.

John sighed.

"Fine..We'll share.." He muttered, avoiding Arlo's eyes.

'This is going to be a long night...' Arlo groaned.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

end of chapter 1

(sorry if it's uneventful, i'll try to make the next chapter more interesting..)


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