punk luke

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Luke & your daughter on top

Y/N & Luke have been married for 3 years, and ever since you and Luke met you were the type of girl to be a little of a rebel, but go to church every Sunday.

Y/N pov
I woke up to my life beautiful daughter shaking me

"Mommy come on we have church"

"Mpf I'm coming" I groaned while getting up

I took my daughters hand and walked to the bathroom. We both cleaned up,  I picked out my daughters and I's outfit I sent her to go wake up the guys to get ready.

I looked over at my bed to see Luke still asleep. I walked over and said

"Babe get up we have church"

"Ugh let me sleep" he groaned
I sighed and got (y/d/n) dressed, putting on her white shirt that says 'I'm fabulous' along with her black tights and pink tutu.

I put on some red skinny jeans along with some black pumps and a nice white dress shirt.

I grabbed my daughters hand and went down stairs to see the boys all ready.

"Where's Luke?" Calum asked

I shook my head "he isn't coming"

They all sighed and got in the car.  When we got the church solid ground. We walked in, me being greeted by everyone and introducing the punk tattoo guys behind me.  The guys were a little shy,  so we sat in the back.

A little later towards the middle of the church I heard (y/d/n) say "daddy".

I look to see Luke dressed in a black button up shirt with black pants  and beanie.  I smiled and pecked his lips.

Now i see that everyone  is going up to the front of the church for a prayer.  I grabbed (y/d/n) and walked to the front. 

As we stood there is see some of the people from church walk to me and the boys and prayed for us.  A few minutes later I'm in tears and feel a soft hand in mine I turn to see Luke standing next to me. 

I smiled and quickly gave him a kiss,  and started praying for him the boys soon surrounded  him  and prayed.  At the end he was in tears and we all just hugged.

Then I realized that we are not friends but family.  Towards the end of church luke wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm really glad you came" I smiled

"I felt guilty  for ignoring you" he replied. 

I smiled.  After church we all went to Ihop and had some breakfast. 

Sorry I've been MIA, but I just went to church and this idea came in my head

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