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You heard a loud noise come from downstairs and began to question if Nathan found a way to get out of bed and was able to make his way to the question but then realized that he could barely hold a spoon. 

You quickly got up and went to check his room to find it empty and you began to worry, you quietly made you way to the kitchen and saw a tall figure by the stove. A huge smile appeared on you face knowing that Luke came back.

You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. He turned and held you tight.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yes but I don’t care I missed you"you mumbled against his chest.

"I missed you too"he said placing a kiss on top of my head.

I heard something drop and saw that Nathan threw his bowl of cereal on the floor.

I let go of Luke and cleaned up my son’s mess as Luke made us pancakes.

Luke gave me a plate with 2 chocolate chip pancakes as he cut Nathan a pancake and fed him.

"I thought you were coming back till next week"I told him 

"I couldn’t stay away from my two favorite people"he smiled

We finished eating and we went up to mine and Luke’s room.

Luke set Nathan in the middle of us as we talked about tour and Nathan slowly fell asleep.

We decided it’d be better if left Nathan There and we went downstairs so we put pillows on either side of him and walked down to the living-room.

As we sat down Luke began to place kisses down my neck and he lifted the bottom of the shirt I had on which just so happened to be his Green Day shirt.

He pulled the shirt over my head and threw it somewhere in the room and began to pull my sweats down my legs.

"No fair! You still have clothes on"I pouted and he laughed taking his shirt off and unbuttoning his skinny jeans. With a struggle he took them off and moved his hands to my back about to take my bra off before we heard a loud cry come from my room.

He groaned as I got up pulled his shirt on and putting my sweats on once again. 

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