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(Y/N) you are not seeing that boy again!” your dad yelled at you as soon as you walked in the house just getting back from visiting your boyfriend on tour.

“Hello to you too dad” you said rolling your eyes. He was never really supportive of your relationship with Luke. He always thought you were just following him around, never really living your own life, which was certainly untrue. Yeah sure you would spend a lot of time on tour with him but you had a lot of fun traveling the world meeting great people it was much better than sitting around at home.

“Dad I’m really tired I just got back from the other side of the world”

“You wouldn’t be sleeping half the time you came back to visit us if it wasn’t for that boy. What are you going to do when you break up and you’re left here with nothing?”

“Dad I’m perfectly fine and can support myself, I have my own money and I can do what I want!” you said getting more frustrated

“No you cannot do what you want, you’re my responsibility which means I make the rules and you are not seeing Luke again he is just setting you up for failure!”

You could feel your eyes starting to tear up. “Fine!” you yelled before running up the stairs to your bedroom. You slammed the door shut then immediately flopped onto your bed face first groaning.

You heard a faint knocking on the door from down stairs. Shit that was Luke.  It wouldn’t be a smart idea to run downstairs it would just cause an argument with your dad in front of Luke and you didn’t want that to happen.  Instead you got up from your bed a placed your ear on the floor to try and hear what was happening down stairs. It looked weird but hey no one was watching.

“Oh, hi Sir I was wondering if (Y/N) was home yet. Just wanted to make sure she got home safe.”

“She’s fine Luke can I please ask you to leave”

“Oh yeah. Um sure is there anything wrong?”

“Yes Luke there is something wrong please leave and I would appreciate if you don’t talk to (Y/N) again.”

You heard the door shut. You were filled with anger and sadness and there was nothing you could do about it. Your phone buzzed. You got up and grabbed it, there was a message from Luke

“Everything okay babe?”

“Not really :(” You quickly replied

“Okay I’ll be up in a sec :-)”


You heard a knock on your window. You turned around and Luke was awkwardly standing on the roof outside your window smiling and waving. You stood there thinking how lucky you were yet how stupid he was for doing this. He looked down at his phone and typed something.

Your phone buzzed “So are you going to let me in or?”

You laughed to yourself then opened the window moving out of the way as his long legs swung through.  After he pulled the rest of his body through he stood up in front you and smiled “Hey” he whispered.

“Hey” you whispered back

“So what’s up with your dad?” he asked still maintaining a low volume as you sat on your bed. Luke then sat down right next to you.

“He doesn’t want us to see each other” you sighed as you rested your head on his shoulder

“Yeah I kinda got that message” he laughed.

Suddenly your dad barged through the door “Get out of my house right now!” he yelled grabbing Luke by his collar.

“So see you tomorrow?” Luke smiled cheekily as he was shoved out of your room. You laughed and waved goodbye as your dad slammed your door shut. Only half an hour later you received another text from Luke

“My house tomorrow?  ;)”

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