Chapter 6- More Heroes

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1 week has passed and right now Captain America and the Black Widow are with Fury while I wait in my room for Barton to go meet them. I am very nervous. I already didn't like meeting new people but these were superheroes. They probably won't like me. I was stuffing my face on chocolate when Barton came in. He had gained this habit of barging in on my room without even knocking. Very un-gentlemanlike but I didn't really mind.

"C'mon. And stop worrying so much about it."

In the course of this week, Barton and I became actual friends. Occasionally he would listen to me.

"Okay. Stop bugging me."

"No way. I've grown used to it."

I muttered but shut up. I was nervous enough.  Finally we arrived to the large control room. Fury was standing and the Captain and Agent Romanov were seated. Fury spoke of course.

"Natasha, Captain, this is Astrid or how she prefers it, Ash."

They just stared. Of course, I am a tiny little girl who appears to need luck even just to kill flies. This is embarrassing.

Finally the Captain offered me his and I shook it. "Ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Steve."

"Pleasure to meet you too." I had to force these words out. He was a bit intimidating.  

"So, can you show us what you do?"

"Only if you shoot me." Everybody laugh but at the same time before I knew it, Natasha pulled out her gun and shot me.  But this time it didn't ricochet. My sessions of practicing this with Barton were paying off and I was able to immobilize objects now. And so I did. The bullet just stood the in the air, half way between me and Natasha. After 10 seconds I let the bullet fall to the ground. I looked at them. They were impressed.

"You have improved Astrid. That's good." Said the director.

"Whoa. That's not bad..." Natasha commented.

"Astrid, Natasha will teach you all about being a spy, including guns and martial arts. Steve will teach you strategy. Learn from them what they have to teach. Now you can go."

I had to control myself not to sprint. I was so nervous my hands were trembling. This was so uncomfortable. Why, oh, why did I ever agree to this? I closed the door and had to take some deep breaths. But I couldn't calm down, so I decided to do some exercise.  I really needed to punch something so I put my boxing gloves on all took it all out on the bag. At one point I started to see the flashes of New York and my dream. Instead of calm down I was even angrier. At one point, I made the punch movement with my hand but never touched the bag. Instead the bag detached itself and just stood there, floating. I was surprised but I stayed focused. I moved my hand to right and it moved to the right and then I did the same to the left. I was beginning to feel week so I gently put the bag down. Then I couldn't take it anymore and just fell to the ground.  That's when I saw Natasha walk in my direction. She helped me to sit down.

"That was impressive. The floating part not the punching one. You really need to practice."

"I never did anything like that in my life so no surprise there..."

"I'm sorry by the way. About the shooting in the control room."

"I was the one who told you to."

"You should have heard Steve after you left. "You shouldn't have done that" and Barton "She was scared enough.""

"I was scared but not more than usual. I have been scared since New York."

"New york changed all of us. The entire world. Being scared is normal and it's nothing to be ashamed of. But you must control it. I'll teach you."

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