Chapter 1 - Making up my mind

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Three months later and the city was in recovery. The once beautiful city is now literally a gigantic construction site. I found a little house in the suburbs of Washington D.C. very conveniently. I knew what I had to do but I hadn't found the courage to do it. What would they find? What if everything I think I am is wrong? Those were the questions that hunted me.

Meanwhile, I was working again. I am a movie critic, so basically my job is to watch every single movie there is and write about them. I know. It's a nice job. I have a very predictable life; I wake up at 9 o’clock, take a shower, eat breakfast, spent 1 hour at the gym and one more on yoga. After that I have lunch and then I hit the cinema. When the movie is over I take a walk to think about what I saw and then I go to Starbucks and write the article. When I am done, I go home, have dinner, take a shower and watch some TV or go to twitter. It’s a fine routine. My problem is with the night. I can barely sleep. I wake up screaming and shaking and sweating and I have these nightmares about these blue being I never saw in my life. They are clearly not the blue aliens that attacked New York because those ones talk and have a sense of awareness that I didn’t saw in the ones in N.Y. I am hunted by monsters I’ve never even seen. Two months of these days and I feel like I‘ve been doing this for years. I talk to anyone unless it is to order coffee or lunch. I became obsessed with security. I tripled check the door and windows before I go to bed. I listen to the tiniest sound and I am in fight position automatically. In fact I even started to take some self defense classes instead of doing yoga. I am not really good at them but maybe in time. Also some days, I exchanged the gym for a run on Rock Creek Park. I go way into the park so I can run alone and away from everyone.

In one of these days, I heard someone running behind me. At first I didn’t pay attention to it but after 5 minutes I realized that this person was following me. When I was out of out of sight I hid behind a bush and when this person past I jumped and kicked it in the knee. It was a guy but I didn’t recognize him because he was wearing sunglasses and a hood. So before he could even understand what happened, I punched him in the face. I was starting to think that the self defense classes were paying off when he just grabbed my arm and pushed me into the middle of the bushes. He put me against a tree and covered my mouth. Then he finally removed the glasses and I instantly recognized him. Hawkeye. I calmed down instantly. Although I didn’t really know him, I trust him. After all he is a superhero that didn’t shot me when I was blue like an alien.

“You put up a fight.” He let me go and looked at the glassed that were broken because of my punch.

“You scared me to death.” I said between breaths. I had to calm down desperately.

“I told to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s headquarter. Why haven’t you gone there yet?”

So that’s what he was doing here? “Oh my God. I can’t even believe this. You just gave me a heart attack just because I haven’t gone there yet??” I was beyond furious. If he wasn’t a superhero I would have beaten him up. “I’ve just been busy, that’s all.”

“Sure, because you have to have a two hour lunch every day and you couldn’t skip the gym once. Not to talk about you getting home at 6 p.m everyday.”

“You’ve been following me? You have no right.”

“I actually have. I’m S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“I can’t believe this.” I was extremely furious. I was just pacing around and then when I couldn’t calm down. Things got out of control like they’d never had before.

The grains all around us starting to coming up and literally hanging in the air. Even the tree started to shake.

“Wow, I didn’t know you could to that. Just calm down.” That’s when I noticed that I was doing that. Wow. How on earth could I be doing this? Now I was just panicking but it wasn’t stopping and Hawkeye had to intervene. “Tell me what your name is.”

“I am pretty sure you know that already.”

“Just tell me.”

“Astrid. But I go by Ash.”

“Okay. Now just tell me why you haven’t been to S.H.I.E.L.D’s headquarters yet.”

That’s when the emotions changed. I stopped being mad and angry and started to be afraid. “Because I am afraid of what will happen.” And just like that. Everything that was supposed to be in the ground, returned to the ground.

His look sopped seeming a little bit afraid and mostly angry and turned to an understanding one. And he simple said “But aren’t you also afraid of never knowing the truth?”

He was right. I was even more afraid of that. But I still needed a little bit more time. “You are right, but I am still not ready.”

“Okay, but don’t run away from this. When you are ready, you know what to do.” And with that he just left.

I thought about this for a week. At first I just felt a little bit strange knowing that he was watching me. But then I realized that he wouldn’t let anything happen to me and for the first time I felt safe. Then, exactly a week later when I was running again, I heard his footsteps again. I stooped and finally said “I am ready.”

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