Chapter 3 - Aircraft

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  I went home that day. I knew that this time I wasn't being followed because Fury had called the avengers that were within reach to a meeting to tell them about me. It was basically just Hawkeye, the Black Widow and Iron Man if he answers the phone. As for S.H.I.E.L.D’s agents, just Hill would know about me for the time being.  I had no idea of what was going to happen from now on and all of this just seemed out of this world. Oh wait! It is.

Two days had passed. Before I left S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Fury told me that Barton would pick me up when everything was ready for my training, but so far he hadn't showed up. I had quit my job and was doing my last article in Starbucks when I finally saw him. Just standing there on the other side of the street. I calmly finished my article and close my laptop. But instead of going to him I just kept walking home. I left the door open for him to enter and when I heard the door close I knew he had.

"We have to work on your attention skills. I stood there for 15 minutes before you notice me. If I wanted to kill you I would've. "

"Hey, I am new at this!"

"I know, that's why I said we have to work on it."

"And we will."

"You know I've been thinking."

"That is a very dangerous thing.”

"Just hear me out. I think you may be from Asgard."

That got my attention. I stopped and turned to him.

"Well, you look like a human just like Thor."

"No I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Well, if I was Thor's long lost sister I would've experience these changes when he came here the first time. And I definitely wouldn't have turned blue."  I continued grabbing my things.  

"I guess you are right. But still, you might be from Asgard.”

“That is possible. But I’m going to let Fury worry with my origin for now.”

He just looked at me for a little while and finally became bored. "Are you going to take forever?’Cause we are already late."

"I'm done." I had two huge bags. One for clothes and the other one for shoes and just some stuff.

"How come you need all that stuff?"

"I'm a girl." That was literally all I could say in my defence. Instead of grabbing a bag he just walked away which made very angry.

"Aren't you going to help me?"

"They're your bags."

He was so annoying!! I can't understand this. From an outside look, to me he used to be the best of the heroes. But now he is a pain and s stupid ass of a human being. But I knew what to say to make him take the bag.

"It'll take longer.  Double time in fact."

He stopped, looked at me and grabbed the bag. I smiled really proud of myself. We put the bags in the trunk and off we went. The ride was awkwardly silent and instead of going to S.H.I.E.L.D’s headquarters we went to the airport.

“What are we doing were?”

“You are a secret weapon. We need to keep you hidden for as long as possible. So, we are taking you to a place where human eyes won’t find you.”

We boarded the tiniest plain I’ve ever seen. When we were taking off, I was nervous and fidgeting.

“What’s happening?”  

He asked, but I am pretty sure he didn’t care.

“I’m just a little nervous when it comes to flying and heights.”

“Well then you better get used to it.”

And just like that the conversation ended.  It’s incredible. Every time I see him he disappoints me more. I have got to get out of my head my ancient idea of him.

It was two hours of peace and quiet. Barton was sleeping and I was calming myself down by listening to music and reading. Finally I grew a little tired of reading and looked at the window. That’s when I saw it.  A huge ship with loads of these air force planes, except these ones are S.H.I.E.L.D’s.

“Oh. My. God.”

I was officially impressed. We landed and went inside. Everything looked like it was taken out of a science fiction movie. But then again, everything looked like that nowadays. We arrived to the control room and there was Fury talking to Hill.

“Astrid, this is Agent Hill. She will teach you all the things you need to know about S.H.I.E.L.D. and being a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent.”

I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded.

“Agent Barton will show you to your room and then give you a tour.”

Barton guided me to my room. It was a small room with just one bed, a closet and a desk. I also had a privet bathroom which made me very glad. I put down my bags and followed Barton. He showed me the outlines of the ship. Where were the research rooms and where was the gym, where we will be training and other stuff. In the end of the tour, we were once again in front of my room and, for my bad fortune, I blurted: “Where is your room?”

He looked at me kind of surprised. “It’s right here. In front of yours.”

He pointed at door and added. “Why? Are you planning to visit some day?? Or night?”  

The idiot! I gathered all my strengths and tried to punch him but he had seen it coming so he just moved and I ended up punching the air.

“We’ve got to work on your combat skills first thing. Meet me in the training room tomorrow at 8 a.m. Don’t be late.”

I was so absolutely outraged with what he did that when I entered in my room, I started passing around back and forth unable to control my fury. I was so concentrated on my anger that I didn’t notice that my bed was inches away from the floor. I finally notice that I was using my power again when I made a movement with my hand and all of the furniture was thrown into the wall. I calmed myself down and thought that this could be a good time to try and use my abilities without being angry or in danger. I tried for half an hour and nothing. The furniture hadn’t moved a single inch. Finally I gave up and had to push the damn things around. I was exhausted so I went to bed and put the alarm clock for 6 a.m. Barton may have told me at 8 but I had my own training to do.

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