Chapter 16 - Thanos

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Thanos held me hostage, immobilized. I was aware of everything that happened around me but I was really just a spectator.

"You have failed me twice Loki. You were supposed to give me the Avengers in return for her safety but you, the so called God of Mischief and Lies, gets tricked by a puny little girl."

"LEAVE HER ALONE!! JUST TAKE ME!!" Loki screamed.

"No, I will take her and kill you." Thanos said.

"Not without going through us." Captain said.

"That is the plan." Thanos growled.

"To quote one of my friends, not a great plan." Clint said with a smirk on his face while releasing an arrow. But Thanos stopped the arrow no problem.

"You think you'll injure me with such a tiny pointy thing like this??" He was getting ready to attack Clint and I couldn't let that happen. Somehow I focused on my hands and thought I couldn't move them, I could meddle with whatever was in the direction they were pointed. I looked at Steve catching his eye and the looked at his shield and after that at my hands. He got the message and positioned his shield. I focused on my hands really hard and suddenly everything started shaking and spiraling around me. I increased the intensity even more and finally broke the energy that was holding me still. I immediately threw Steve's shield into Thanos face making him take a step back.

"I underestimated you. Good, you'll be even more useless."

Knowing that I hadn't much time I broke the force field on Loki's cell, run to Steve and whispered "I have a plan. Keep him busy." I immediately run to Loki, signed for him to follow me and we sprinted out of there. We found mother sat on the ground holding Odin who was bleeding and unconscious. Apparently, Thanos had paid Odin a visit.

"Mother, it's okay. It will be okay." I put my hand on the wound and saw that it was deep. I instinctively put my hand very near the wound and focused. The bleeding stopped and the wound closed.

"I didn't know you could do that, Sister."

"I just found out too." I smiled at him and then at Mother. "Okay Mother you should stay with him. We'll take you to a room." That's what we did.

"Thank you, Astrid."

"Just being a good daughter. We have to go Mother." She hugged both you and Loki.

"Stay safe."

"We'll try." He answered back. When we were out of the room he turned to me. "What's the plan?"

"We need your scepter. Do you know where it could be?"

"Yes, I do." He started running and I followed him. We entered a part of the castle that I hadn't been to and there were a lot of weapons and relics there. Loki found his scepter and looked at you.

"We are going to need you're tricks too." He smiled understanding the plan. "Now let's go fight." We ran back to the dungeons and when I analyzed the room my heart almost fell. Nat was clearly not okay, Tony's armor was half gone by now, Clint was lying on the ground and basically just Thor, the Hulk and Caption were fighting Thanos. Then it hit me. Clint was on the ground not moving.

"Clint!" I ran towards him. "Clint, please answer me!" I screamed. He didn't say anything but I could feel he was alive. I could feel energy in him. I checked to see if he was hurt but there was no blood. He was just unconscious. Then he opened his eyes. His perfect blue eyes.

"I'm okay." He said.

"You got me scared, Clint." I said just before I kissed him. He broke the kiss and started to get up. "What are you doing? You can't fight."

"I can and I will." He started shooting arrows again. Men! I thought to myself. I started throwing things at Thanos but he was really strong and more than that, it looked like he could predict what was coming. So I went another way. I started to suck the air out of him.

"Enough!" He lifted his hand sent an energy wave in my direction. It was so fast, I didn't have time to stop it and it threw me into the air. After what felt like an eternity, I hit the ground really hurting my back and my head. It hurt like hell and a few seconds after everything started to become dark. I have to help, I have to get up, I have to fight, I have to... but I couldn't and I surrendered myself to the darkness.

Clint's P.O.V

I watched as Ash fly thought the air and I immediately ran towards her. But I was far and didn't reach her in time. Oh, God. Please don't leave me...I felt my heart sink to the ground when I reached her and her eyes were closed. Then it got worse. Blood started spreading on the floor. She had hurt her head and glass. She had landed of a few pieces of glass. I put pressure on her wounds to try and stop the bleeding. Natasha was apparently feeling a little better and she took my place.

"Go, I got here. You need to help them." I didn't want to but I knew they needed me. I picked up my bow, waited for Thanos attention to be on Captain and I let go. The arrow hit his leg because he moved but at least he was injured. In a slip of a second I threw another arrow to Cap's shield. It ricochet and hit Thanos again on his other leg. In the exact moment Thanos turned to me, Loki appeared behind him and put his scepter to use. Thanos retaliated throwing Loki into a wall. After that he fell to ground, clearly too wounded and week to continue.

"This is far from over. We will meet again." And he disappeared.

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