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ᴀ/ɴ: ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴇᴛ♡

Moving day came and alongside the moving company, Eren and Teddy came out to be the first ones to not only see your new place but come and help with the process. When the movers finished their job, the boys remained back to help unpack boxes for the living room and kitchen. By the time evening came around, you all took the rest of the evening to chill and listen to music, and order uber eats.

You sat next to Eren at the bottom of the couch with your arm loosely looped around his and your head resting against his shoulder. You held his hand, playing with his fingers at first then started a little game between the two of you where one would close their eyes and have the other person draw shapes or letters into the other's palm for them to guess.

You drew a heart shape into it and when he guessed correctly he drew you one back with his eyes opened. While you two were preoccupied and grinning in each other's faces, Celine and Teddy devised a plan through text to leave the two of you by yourselves.

Teddy got up and bid everybody farewell after he claimed he was gonna go meet up with his sneaky link. He dapped up everybody, tipped his imaginary hat to Eren, and left. Celine made her exit after claiming she was getting tired and wanted to get ready for bed and get started on her last bit of homework.

"Should I get going too?" he asked you. "Are you tired?"

"No, no, no!" Celine was quick to stop him. "Stay as long as you like. That girl's not tired." She cleaned up after herself and put her leftovers in the fridge. Before she scurried away, she blew you a couple of kisses seeing the face you made at her.

The door clicked closed and just as the two of them wanted, the two of you were left alone. You arched a little while stretching your arms up, then went limp. You rolled over onto your hands and knees and slowly picked yourself up with a groan. "I can't feel my buuutt."

"My either," Eren struggled a bit on his way up to his feet. I waited around awkwardly as you fixed up a little and put his and your food away in the fridge.

"Done!" You took one last sweep of the last place. Other than feeling satisfied over things being clean, the reality of you officially living on your own now washed over you with a refreshing feeling. You turned off your speaker. "C'mon." You took Eren by the wrists and walked back all the way to your new room. "Hit the lights," you gestured with your chin.

He flipped the switch and his hand slid around the corner as you continued tugging him along.

You entered your bedroom and closed the door for some privacy. He turned to the sound of the clip turning on your doorknob.

You came towards him unable to contain the excited squeal in your throat. You threw your hands over his shoulder, and his arms wrapped around your waist. You closed your eyes and puckered your lips. He dipped his eyes down to them and pecked them.

"Mm," you hummed for more and he delivered. The next one and the ones after that were just as short and simple as the one before it but he knew that wasn't gonna cut it for long. You started pushing back and asking for something with more substance but he couldn't a little scared and pulled away. Like he knew you would, you frowned at him.

"What's wrong, boo?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." Just a ton of pressure settling in, no biggie.

"You wanna sit?" Not everything was out of the boxes and put away but you at least made sure to make your bed.

"Sure." Eren turned and seated himself at the edge of your bed. His shoulders inflated and deflated as he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. His palms had worked up quite a bit of moisture so he started rubbing his hands along his knees. However, the hairs on his arms and legs stood at attention when you climbed on top of him to sit.

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