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You rolled over onto your next side and threw your arm and leg around your body pillow, pulling it closer. You laid there in wait until the drouse left your body. Your eyes blinked open but stayed stuck in a squint until they adjusted to the light.

You rolled back to the other side with a weak smile expecting to see Eren but his side of the bed was empty. Only the corner of the covers rolled back were in his place. Your arms wobbled like a fawn trying to pick itself up when you tried to sit up. Then you scanned the room like a confused toddler just waking up from their nap.

Did he leave? You grabbed your phone to check the time and it was already 8:23. You crawled yourself out of bed and slowly trudged out to see if Celine was up, but the smell of food redirected your steps towards the kitchen.

"Hi sleepyhead," he greeted, then taking a sip from his bottle of water. "You're finally up."

"I thought you went home," you passed by the counter with a black plastic bag and an Arizona sticking out of it to go and give him a hug. You nuzzled your face in his chest.

"Without telling you goodbye first?" He put his hand on top of your head, stoking back your bonnet. "I only went out to buy us something to eat 'cause Celine said you guys didn't get around to grocery shopping yet. I don't know what you usually like so I just got you the same as me. Is that okay?"

You stepped away from him to go investigate the bag but mostly to get away before you replied with your morning breath in his face. "Of course it is. You're always feeding me," you pushed your bottom lip. "I'm gonna return the favor one of these days." You unraveled the warm foil and the cheese oozing over the rest contents as you broke the roll in half looked too good. You hummed a squeal on the first bite because your taste confirmed it. "It's so good. What is this?"

"Uh..." He looked down at it and listed the ingredients off. "Pastrami and Turkey with lettuce, tomato, green peppers, and mozzarella cheese; and then a thin spread of mayo and honey mustard, all on a toasted roll."

Definitely had to get this the next time you visited the corner store. "Good choice." You snapped the cover of your fruit punch Ari open and took a few gulps. "By the way, where's Celine? At work?" You tapped the corner of your mouth.

"Yeah." He swiped each side and looked down to see the smudge of mayo on his thumb. "She left like 5 minutes before you got up." He wiped it on the thin wax sheet crumbled under his sandwich. "She let me in when I got back." He took another bite out of his turkey sandwich holding back a smile.

"What'd she say when she saw you?"

Eren fought back chuckles as he geared up to reenact the moment. He pointed out to the open air and with his best Celine said, "'I knew you didn't go home last night!' She said the shower was on way too long last night."

The giggles bubbled out of you with your scrunched up smile. "That's what gave us up?"

He raised his hands. "If it means anything, I still thought it was a good plan."

"Thank you."

"Do you have anything going on today?" He crumbled up his empty wrapper and foil into a ball and went for another sip of his Pina Colada Ari. "I know you said you were off today but like errand-wise?"

"Just my nail appointment and groceries. What, you wanna go somewhere today?"

"Not anywhere exciting, per se. You probably don't even wanna go but I'm heading out to the gym. I haven't been in a few weeks, so I was hoping I'd get a good hour in today."

"What time?"

"When's your nail appointment?"


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