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You glanced up from your screen toward Eren and pursed your lips. Rather than telling him on your own, you decided it best for him to check on his own timing. After breakfast, Eren took the plates and washed up the dishes. While he took care of that, you volunteered to replace Mocha's pee pad and give her tummy rubs.

He glanced down at the loosely tied arms around his waist and then felt your cheek resting on his back. He smiled a little as his heart took on a flutter.

"How're you feeling?"

"Physically? Still in some pain all over. My head's still killing me. Hard to believe I really did all that last night but it's not like I feel bad about it. I feel pretty relieved."

"That's good." You kissed his back and goosebumps washed over his arms. "You know what'll do you even better? A nice hot shower with me."

"Yeah, I'd love one. But you can go first. I'll take one after–" Then words came back like a boomerang and slapped him on the back of the head. His eyes whipped over his shoulder. "Hold on, wait what? Say that again."

"Come take a shower with me."

"...Really? You serious?"


"Uh..." He huffed a nervous chuckle. Eren swallowed when turning off the pipe and wiped his hands on the cloth draping above. "Don't get me wrong it sounds like a really nice offer and all but why?"

"I thought it'd cheer you up some if you had somebody to pamper you. You don't want to?"

He turned to lean his butt back on the edge of the sink. "Naked?" He reached for your fingertips.

"Eren." You served him that 'come on, now' look.

"Sorry, it's just–" He ran his fingers back through his hair. Did that mean you wanted to do 'that'? The amount of pressure stacking up against him. "You know I can still move my arms and stuff," he flapped his arms."


"Yeah...so..." He pursed his lips as his gaze walked away. "You're setting us up for a dangerous situation to happen. Aren't you just trying your darndest to see my naughty bits?"

"Is that a no?"

Eren's laugh made you do so also. "You're not even denying it, you perv."

"Says the guy who couldn't keep his hands off me for pictures last night." You slipped your fingers in between his. "We don't have to touch each other, just looksies. How's that?"

"Can you swear you can keep your hands to yourself?"

You took a moment to respond to get that mischievous smile of yours under control. "I'm pretty sure I can. Can you?"

"I'd be lying if I said I could," he pursed his lips. "You and I know very well what you do to me." He pulled your chin. Then he shook his head down. "I still can't believe you think I'm cute even while I'm looking like this though," he pointed to the new accessory sitting idle on his head.

"Should we make a game out of it? See how long it'll take till one of us touches the other."

"What's the winner get?"

"Mmm...Loser has to do whatever the winner wants for the rest of the day."

From the way he saw things, there was a hint of craftiness in those eyes and smile of yours. "So from the moment we get in the bathroom, we start?"

You nod.

"Okay. Deal." Underhanded as this might've been, he couldn't see the harm in going along with your antics this time around.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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