3: Ice breakers

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   The day held a brisk cold wind.

   Each time a gale blew on by, it made the skin on Shiozaki's face feel relief. It was an unusually warm day for spring, but it was thankfully accompanied by wind. God seemed to be in a rather merciful mood today. The vine haired girl was currently walking out of the building of Yuuie; beginning her direction for home.

   Today the first year students had chosen the heroes they wish to intern for, with her taking her similarly green haired friends advice in interning for Kamui whom was politely delighted to here that she had chosen him. The internships would start in two days, reason being was to allow students to pack their bags and heal from their time at the sports festival. And speaking of healing, ever since Izuku's arms were in bandages Shiozaki felt a small amount of pity for him. Despite his continuous claims of being perfectly fine, she could occasionally see him wince and click his tongue in pain whenever his wrist didn't like what direction it was being sent. 

   So being the good Samaritan she was, in the sense, she was deeply helpful and caring to the green haired boy whenever he was in uncomfortable pain from his injury. Usually she would just adjust the bandages or hand him an ice pack, but none the less he was grateful.

   They had, had a small few interactions ever since we last saw them, mainly happening in the halls at random intervals, or whenever their class had a joint hero based class. During one such time, she approached him respectively and making sure to make her presence known as not to spook him. The assignment was to pair two classmates together, either from A or B, since the teachers saw how badly their classes' relationship with one another was, but then again her homeroom teacher Vlad King certainly wasn't making that relationship any better because he was a little, *ahem*, proud, of his class.

   She along with Midoriya were one of the only A and B pair there was; two other pairs were including Ojiro and her classmate Shoda, whom had become well acquainted a few days ago during the festival, and the other was Yaoyorozu and Kendo, whom both realized early that they were paired with the same hero so they both felt it best to get to know one another before interning. Other than those six, all of the other class members of the hero course paired with their classmate, some because they were friends; other's because they'd rather be paired with a classmate than their rival class.

   Most of it was on the 1-A side, as they didn't quite like class 1-B. The main reason being Monoma yet some class 1-B members held the same venom, their reason being Bakugou. None the less the holy girl and our protagonist didn't actually do anything due to his condition, which in actuality was due to Vlad protesting about his condition for such an activity which caused a dispute with Aizawa, and the teachers didn't believe in odd numbers so the two friends sat this one out and just talked. 

   Just like their last conversation held, she enjoyed it. He was a very good listener and wasn't easily confused or bothered y her way of speaking, and she retuned that gesture the same way for him. The topics at hand were basically them speaking about one another's classmates and other friends, and their quirks.

   Yet many times whenever he would be explaining or ranting about a quirk and it's usages, she would occasionally glance at his classmates. Almost all of the gaze her a awkward smile and wave, or a small glare and a look away. The one that held the most intensity was Uraraka's. It wasn't one that fell upon hatred; it just held a bit of distrust. Ibara worried that maybe the brunette simply didn't trust her since she knew how shy and timid her friend was, and honestly she respected that. So whenever she saw the glare, she kindly waved towards the other girl whom held her narrow eyes a bit, but lessened it's intensity a small bit, seeming to understand she means no obvious harm.

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