Chapter 666

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Within a confusing structure standing at 8 floors and made of metal, two chaos gods were currently tied up in the bottom floor while the third was running away

"Ooooooohh slaanesh! Come out to plaaAAaay!"
"Fuck off!"

You might be wondering, what in the actual warp is going on? Well it started as normal as it could be....

6 hours ago

Sitting on their thrones, the four Chaos gods looked at each other

"Fuck no!"
"Oooh come on! You guys get to shoot me and if you win! Then you get a prize!"
"I don't trust you, warp I don't even like you not after you pulled that stunt yesterday"
"Oooh come on! That's in the past! You guys can shoot me to slow me down, if you run out of bullets then you are defenseless and if you get caught by me, then you can only be saved by someone out the prison and if I catch all of you, you lose"
"I swear to fucking Devine states! If you cheat then I shove a deamon up your fucking ass!"
"Oh you won't!"

Smiling at his sibling but more resembling a sadistic grin, they shudder as he lead them to a large room. Using his sorcery a giant mansion materialized inside

"Ok! The game will be in 5 minutes! The guns will be placed around the mansion, if you find it then you can shoot me until I can no longer walk... or float in that matter.... Yeah..... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

Summoning a air horn, he pressed its head causing it to honk loudly, running inside. The three chaos gods ran in different directions in hopes of finding a weapon

Nurgle ran inside a room, seeing a large chest and two dressers, he shoved the first dresser which was next to the door over and blocking it from opening, looking inside the chest he smiled brightly

"Ready or not! Here I come!"

Gasping, he knocked over the second dresser as covered, he could sense him, tzeentch floating around and coming near his direction

"Calm down, you have a big ass gun... it will be alright"

Nurgle muttered to himself, trying to keep composer until he heard the door nob rattle causing him to duck behind his makeshift cover, it got louder, increasing every second

Holding the weapon which was still in the chest, he waited for tzeentch to float right in to meet his little friend....

Suddenly, the door slightly opened moving the dresser slightly

"There you are!"

Trying to take out the weapon, Nurgle struggled to pick it up due its its weight. Tzeentch only got closer to opening the door by help of his tendrils

"Come here-!"

Tzeentch said in a sadistic tone, opening the door even more tzeentch could squeeze his body through just needing another push, Nurgle then grunted loudly before pulling out a heavy bolter


He shouted, closing his eyes he fired the bolter wildly and blindly

"Oh shi-"

Firing the gun widely, he yelled pointing it everywhere not caring just wanting to kill tzeentch, khorne who was another floor nearly got hit by the explosive rounds

Slaanesh got her hair burned from explosions going off around her causing her to take cover


Hearing clicking, Nurgle saw the gun was out of ammo and immediately went to find more in the chest, trying to grab another tzeentch used this to his advantage and shoved the door opened

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