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Rather than seeing my long slender fingers, all I could see were pale stubby boneless digits, my arms thin and 3 times shorter than my body and covered warts ranging in sizes.

Not believing my eyes, I checked my reflection in a nearby puddle of water. There it was, a being, a monster of some kind staring back at me with those gaping crimson holes for eyes.

It's body looking like a plucked chicken with nothing but pure muscle connecting its bald head to it's mortifying body.

And that was when I broke. The pure sight of what I've become turned something insude of me on, turning on the desire to kill, kill whoever sees the beast I've become.

Not long after, an uncontrollable rage took over me. I completely let myself go, unleashing the true monster inside of me.

I clawed at my face like a beehive's stuck on my head.

I felt like a prisoner in my own body, only being able to watch as I gruesomely tore myself limb by limb.

Feeling every pain and burn of my injures, it was that very pain I was addicted to.

Clawing...and clawing... and clawing...

Until there was nothing left but shreds of blood red flesh hanging off my body.

The metal walls of my cell painted with my crimson blood, the floor slippery with  with flesh and organs.

I was blinded in my fit of rage, so blind in fact I didn't notice my door being blown open. Not taking notice to the army of men infiltrating my cell.

Only making their presence known when I felt a hundred bullets being shot into my skeleton. Only an overwhelming feeling of fatigue was able to stop me.

If you're thinking this rage attack was the worst.. you're far from wrong.

The things I undergo in this place was unspeakable... Too

My eyes would be blindfolded by a metal band of sorts,my hands encased in handcuffs.

Only being removed when they're performing somekind of experiment on me.
Often times being put in an encloser with another deadly monster.

Watching me fly into my rage stage and battle it to the death. Watching us like they're lazing around the couch watching WWE.

Treating me like somekind of circus animal.

As a little compensation, an unfortunate researcher or two would accidentally make eye contact with me and meet the same fate as that pitiable animal lying dead beside me.

It would always be the highlight of my day watching their screams of anguish as I rip their organs out.

The sight of them helplessly screaming for help as their co workers would just dash out the door sure was a comedic relief.

Above all, nothing ever beats the satisfaction of ending my victims.

I'm sure you may be seeing me as a cold blooded sadistic serial killer.

You know what? maybe I am and I couldn't care any less because those knob headed humans deserve it.

They cursed me with immortality, never being able to be relieved from my sufferings.

having to go bear with my harrowing results of their absurd experiments. Trapping me in an endless loop of suffering.

With each passing second of suffering, my hatred for all humans grew.

Alas, I couldn't take it anymore. And so I desvised a plan to bring this place and every living thing inside it to ruins.

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