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I couldn't bring myself to lift my fork an inch off my plate.

My stomach erupted with an audible rumble demanding food only for its desperate pleas to be ignored.

The two appendages just stayed limped beside my plate, not an ounce of energy left to even lift them.

It was all directed to the etheral being right in front of me.

I would never dream of the day I'll find someone who's shoveling food down his throat not an eye sore, what more to say fabulous?

There is just something alluring about the way he just stuffs all his food in his mouth bearing an uncanny resemblance to a baby squirrel.

" Jaggi... is there something on my face?? you've been staring at it for the past half hour" He lifted his head to stare at me with eyes of a confused puppy.

Despite the dimly lit candle being the only source of light in the dark restaurant, I could still see the faint droplets of sauce dotting his kissable lips.

Those lips-

Those lips so sweet...

so tempting...

It sure is taking every ounce of my will power to not pull him across this table and devoure them. The romantic ambience was definitely not helping anyone.

Every second that I'm not eating his face is drawing me closer to exploding from this shitty torture.

" If you're going to stare at my face for any longer you'll burn a hole through it" He said taking a loud sassy sip from his glass of red.

"U-uh sure lemme get that for you"

wonderful job there Eunwoo, you surely did a wonderful job at surprising me whenever I think I couldn't embarrass myself any further.

With shaky arms I grabbed a few thin pieces of tissue and reached over to him attempting to wipe his lips.

Just as I was mere inches away from his, a strong nudge sent me crashing towards him uniting our lips in a short tender kiss.

For a second time stopped, everything around us melted away into nothingness. Not that it mattered in the first place.

His confused eyes quickly darkened a shade by longing and lust. He pulled back in surprise at first but quickly closed the gap between us in a passionate kiss.

,He pulled me to my feet and looked into my eyes. I blushed and returned his smile. He pulled me closer, and without warning, kissed me passionately.

To be honest I probably should have seen it coming; the look in his dark eyes, the way he looked at me.

But I was unprepared for it.
For an unknown amount of time we stayed there, arms around each other.

Just as the kiss was about to escalate my vision darkened amd everything faded to black. My eyelids feeling like it's being weighed down by a 100lbs weight

A pillowy surface could be felt as well as a significant weight on my chest.

" Interesting dream you must be having"
a familiar voice called out in the darkness.

With immense effort I opened my tired eyes only to be greeted by a mischievous looking Moonbin with a smug smile plastered on his face.

It was only then I noticed how hot my flustered face was and the way my body pillow is straddled against me.

My deep red flush deepened at the memory of my ratger vivid dream last night.

You see, it wasn't like this ever since the beginning, I'm NOT a pedo.

But as the time we spent together increased and our bond solidified further I noticed a few changes in my thoughts about him.

It all started from trivial things like feeling a little excited about seeing him or being a tab bit touchy but soon enough I'm already thinking about our wedding and baby names.

" Aish!! stop. jumping. to. conclusions. all. the. time."

I said while slamming a pillow into his face between every syllable.

"Ok! ok! you can stop it now you old coot!!" he exclaimed holding up his hands to surrender.

Just before I could give him a reply he added

" You better not try anything funny while I'm bathing!!" He said just before disappearing from my field of vision.

The sound of splashing water was soon frown out by a blood curdling shriek.

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