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So those single braincelled airheads tried to lauch an artificial sun into space?!

I ripped the document into shreds, the shredded paper flying in the air lile confetti.

Which bozo approved of this? Aren't they supposed test this out before putting it into action?

Even if their plan was a success each solar system only has one sun for a reason!

And those simpletons somehow has the braincells to invent fancy gadgets but not enough to know that their plans will spell the end for humanity?

Putting a person in eternal torture isn't enough! so lets do that to the entire world now shall we? One crazy loon woke up one day and thought.

Are humans evolving backwards now? Apparently so!

With so many humans gone, reduced to gelatinous masses with no desire but to slither around in the ghoulish sunlight and merge together, there were fewer people to see my face.

I would stay inside and know with almost complete certainty that no one would come and bother me.

The masses of flesh that were once human never concerned me as they are incapable of activate my rage state.

At least I would never have to go through another torturous experiment again! no research to prod at me and bother me.

But then it hit me.

What am I going to do with my everlasting life span? Isn't being confined to this building for eternity equally as torturous?

Great! so those dinggle heads found a way to continue torturing me from beyond the grave.

One day, though I couldn't say for how long after the end of things it had been I was peacefully sleeping in my cell or wandering the halls mindlessly.

The days had blurred together, spent the same way. Time loosing much of it's meaning, if it even had it in the first place.

Through the sloshing sounds if the creatures outside a woman's voice cut through.

It was faint but I could make out what she was saying. She was calling out for help, asking if anyone has any fresh food or water.

The sound was getting louder, closer, accompanied the disconcerting thum of her footsteps.

She was coming down the hall, as much as it could be called a hall anymore.

She was coming towards my room. Coming to disrupt my miserable peace.

I heard her footsteps across threshold of my room and her voice broke into an ear piercing scream.

After all it's not everyday you see a plucked mutated chicken humanoid.

Stratled by the first loud noise I've heard in a long time, the first noise I've heard that's not the low gurgling sound of the once human creatures sloshing around.

I knew what was gonna happen.. I knew I shouldn't.. I should never. But I did it any way I turned around, meeting the tearful eyes of a haggard looking woman, a small child cowering behind her.

But that doesn't matter, just as I had seen her, she seen me. She seen my face.

She... saw..my..face.

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