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Instantaneously, I could feel the incoming rage take over me, could feel me loosing control my body, slowly being imprisoned in it once again.

I let out a roar, wild,primal and loaded with a monstrous rage.

She couldn't be looking at my face, I couldn't let her get away.

Sensing, danger coming she fled the hall, towing the child along with her.

The anger faded as she left he site, making her way to the opposite direction and down the stairs.

But then the memory of her teary eyes meeting mine, staring at my face paralyzed in fear.

I knew it was time to do something I would never thought I would have the opportunity to: kill, savour the sweet sound of her last scream before her demise.

My heightened sensess picked up on her frantic footsteps, running down the stairs below him.

She's getting away! I can never let her leave!!

Powered with determination, I jumped with every ounce of strength in my body. Letting my impossibly heavy body weight break the concrete floor under me.

Weakened by the ravages of the elements of time, it crumbled the second my feet landed on it.

When the hole was big enough I dropped down,s spotting the woman's backz fleeing through the door just as I landed.

I tore after her, ripping through concrete and steel, destroying everything in my path.

Determined to make my face the last thing she will ever see.

She looked at me, her face a mask of pute terror. She knew just as I knew that there is no escape in sight.

Caught up in ny single minded obsession of ending her and her desperation to escape from me, neither of us noticed we were running towards the exit.

She had run so far and so carelessly that she was now outside of the building.

She is now no longer in the safety of the building, her skin is now exposed to the deadly radiation and harsh sunlight.

The woman's eyes widen in grim understanding of her fate, I could only watch helplessly as her body succumbed to the vicious rays.

Almost instantly, she began to melt  As it was the closest to the sun her head was the first to go.

Her nose drooped like hot wax, dripping as it went and slumped of her face and landed on the ground with a sickening splash.

Her eyes were next, popping out of their sockets and hanging loose and limp, on her cheeks and dangling from sinewy strands.

She tried in vain to stuff them back in place but they squished in her hand like overripe fruit.

She attempted to run into the comparative safety of the ruined building but her feet were already beginning to spread out onto the street, melting into a sticky red smear on the pavement.

Her lehs crumbled beneath her, as she collapsed to the ground, her face leaving a trail of gelatinous flesh as it landed.

She tried uselessly to drag herself along the ground back to safety but her arms were melting into the dirt mixing wit it into a horrible red mud.

She let out a last scream of agony but the sound turned into a thick gurgle as her lips fused together and her mouth melted into nothingness.

I watched it all,roaring in frustration. She was gone, my last prey for all of eternity now a thick gelatinous liquid.

My monstrous roars of frustration soon turned into sad sobs at knowing I would never get to experience the satisfaction of killing.

The inferno sun stealing her away from me.

I heard the sound of a soft sob behind mez a tiny human voice. I turned looking for the source.

There sat the little boy, I had almost forgotten all about him.

He was calling out to his mother and crying he was looking right at him.

Right at my face.

I waited for my anger to take over me, but there was....


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