Alabasta Arc - Chapter 6

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3rd P.O.V

It was at this moment that Vivi made up her mind. They were now going where Crocodile is.

Vivi: "Let's go where Crocodile is!" said with a serious look

Vivi cried and Luffy nodded.

Nami: "That does seem to be the quickest shortcut." said with a neutral look

Sanji: "So, where is this damn, Crocodile?" said with a neutral look

She pulled out a map and showed it to everyone. Currently, they were heading to Akubara where her father lives and rule the place, the rebel army is at Katorea prepared and an attack, and now they were going to where Crocodile is, Rainbase. All they need to do now is head north.

Mini Timeskip

Luffy and Usopp were struggling again with the heat. They were complaining about the difference in how they were walking and how she gets a free ride on a camel. They started joking about her and her and the camel.

Zoro: "Chopper! You haven't fallen today!" said with a surprised look

He realized the Chopper not falling from the heat.

Chopper: "Yeah...I'm trying my hardest." said with a smiled look

Y/n: "Great words from a pirate." said with a smiled look

Chopper: "Vivi. Is there any water at Rainbase?" said with a confused look

Vivi: "You don't have to worry. I should mention that it's a gambling town, almost completely detached from the rebellion." said with a neutral look

She said that made Nami's eyes turn into Berrie's signs.

Zoro: "Hey, now! Don't get any funny idea!" said with a serious look

Sanji: "I guess even here in Alabasta there are carefree cities." said with a neutral look

Then the walk breaker when Luffy used his rubber powers to make his water not ger near Usopp. Usopp somehow lost his water, but everyone still had theirs.

Y/n: "I spent all that digging for water for everyone, and you lost it?" said with a tired look

Luffy: "That's right! The Old Man and Y/n spent all night digging for the water for us! It's your fault for losing yours!" said with an annoyed look

Usopp: "But I'm thirsty!" said with a tired look

Then Y/n gave his to him.

Y/n: "Here have mine...I didn't need it. I get used to this heat during my journey." said with a neutral look

He walks away from them.

Usopp: "Thoughts: What a kind brother." said his mind with an awed look

Then he drinks his water.

Luffy: "SO?! HOW LONG UNTIL RAIN BASE!" said with a serious look

Vivi got off the camel to thank Luffy and Y/n. For helping to decide on her own. Luffy wanted her to decide on her own. Luffy wanted to reward him with food and Y/n waved his saying "It's no problem, Princess".

Y/n: "After we Crocodile and beat him up, make sure there's a good reward at the end, right, Princess?" said with a smiled look

Vivi: "O-Okay! I-I promise!" said with a blushed look

Mini Timeskip

They kept going north until they saw the sight of the City. Rainbase. Not even a minute yelled out that he'll beat up Crocodile, but the bad thing was that Baroque Works would most likely know they were in Alabasta, thanks to Mr. 2 mimicry ability, and if they get spotted first, Crocodile would deal with them easily except for Y/n.

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