Skypiea Arc - Chapter 23

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3rd P.O.V

After beating all of the White Berets the Straw Hats are now officially criminals in the Sky islands.

Y/n: "I hope that's all he has to say. he's annoying." said with an annoyed look

Pagaya: "In any case, you are in big trouble. Since you've become 2nd -degree criminals, we can't...Help you." said with a scared look

He said to the Straw Hats away from them.

Nami: "Why are you talking to us from way over there?!" said with a serious look

Y/n: "Social Distancing, Nami." said with a neutral look

Luffy: "Well, what's the fuss? We're used to being pursued. More importantly, why did you come back?" said with a confused look

Nami: "Huh?" said with a confused look

Luffy: "We were finally about to go to that place we're never to enter for a big, to look for you!" said with a smiled look

Y/n: "Real smooth there, Luffy." said with a neutral look

Nami: "You're really easy to figure it out. *Slap* WHAT BIG ADVENTURE?! I TOLD YOU, DIDN'T I?!" said with an angry look

Nami started mantis attacks on Luffy as the crew was just watching them. Chopper got to Y/n who patted him, and Usopp was scared of Nami's anger. Then she was done hitting Luffy.

Nami: "I'm never going to that island!" said with a serious look

Luffy: "Then, you can just wait here while we go." said with a smiled look

Nami: "No way, they're gonna come after me! We have to leave this place!" said with a serious look

Luffy: "*Stretch his neck to Nami* LEAVE HERE!? ARE YOU NUTS?! WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU, ADVENTURE OT LIFE?!" said with a surprised look

Nami: "LIFE! THEN MONEY!" said with a serious look

Sanji: "*Runs to Nami* OH! THEN, NEXT WOULD BE ME?!" said with a smiled look

Nami: "*Bonks Sanji* SHUT IT!" said with an angry look

Usopp: "But it's true. Come to think of it, we were desperately trying to reach this Sky island, so we weren't thinking at all about how to go back." said with a neutral look

Y/n: "Pagaya, Conis. Is there any way to get down from here safety? Can we truly return to the Blue Sea?" said with a neutral look

Conis: "There is a way, though, at this point, I can no longer say it's safe...If you go to Cloud End, the farthest edge of the clouds." said with a worried look

Usopp: "Cloud End? How do we get there?" said with a confused look

Conis: "Cloud End is in the far east. To get there, you need to go down to the White Sea first." said with a worried look

Usopp: "Food! Then, we can go down to our sea from there, right!" said with a smiled look

Luffy: "NO! I'm not going back!" said with an annoyed look

Usopp: "Hey, do you wanna stay here and get sentenced to death?" said with a serious look

Nami: "In any case, if we stay here, it'll cause trouble for Conis and her father as well." said with a serious look

Conis: "It's no trouble..." said with a worried look

Nami: "Well, even if we run away, we may not be able to get away from them. If that's the case, no matter where are we in Skypiea, it'll be the same. Since they know our whereabouts, we'd better leave here right away! Now, everyone! Let's set sail!" said with a serious look

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