Skypiea Arc - Chapter 29

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3rd P.O.V

In the ancient ruins, Robin and Y/n were standing in front of a giant stalk going through the clouds.

Robin: "The City of Gold, Shandora...The golden bell that must've been in the center of the city isn't here any longer...The belfry for that bell might've had Poneglyphs engraved on it." said with a neutral look

Y/n: "If the city fell by protecting the Poneglyphs with their life, then it could be hidden among the clouds now...The belfry with the Poneglyphs engraved on it..." said with a neutral look

Robin: "If that's the case, where could it be? *Looks around* Oh? This is...A rail for lorries." said with a neutral look

Y/n: "This surely would've been taken out from here. It's still new...But what was taken out?" said with a confused look

Then they heard laughter and turned around to see a man with a right attached to his back while holding an apple in his hand.

???: "Isn't it amazing? Even after being shot up to the sky, this city, Shandora still majestically exists like this. Hahahaha...Even if it's a legendary city, if it's covered by clouds, it can't show off its figure. I'm the one who discovered it. Those stupid former God didn't even notice this city." said with a smirked look

Y/n: "Mind telling us who you are?" said with a neutral look

God: "God...*Eats an apple* You're pretty good. It seems like you're an archaeologist from the Blue Sea. It took even took us several months to find these ruins. If you can read the letters on the ruins, you can find this place easily? However, the gold you're looking for isn't here any longer. You're a few years late." said with a smiled look

Robin: "Gold? Come to think of it, we can't find any. It must be you who took it out from here." said with a neutral look

God: "Gold is a nice thing. That glittering metal suits me well." said with a smiled look

He continued to eat the apple.

Y/n: "So I'm guessing you're the one who took the golden bell as well?" said with a neutral look

God: "Hm? Golden bell?" said with a confused look

Robin: "Thoughts: He doesn't know?!" said her mind with a surprised look

He finished eating his apple, even consuming the core as well.

God: "That's interesting. What did you learn by reading the letters?" said with a smiled look

Robin: "No...Unfortunately, if it wasn't here when you first came here, It didn't come to the sky after all. The huge golden bell that Shandora took pride in, and the large belfry for that bell...I needed to see the belfry." said with a neutral look

God swallowed his apple and told them that it is still in the area. In the sky. He told them when the island was blown up in the sky four hundred years ago, loud chimes of a bell rang throughout the entire sky. The elders called it the island's singing voice. This made God happy.

God: "I see! That bell was made of gold! Wonderful! Soon the game will be over. Eight more minutes to go. While I'm at it, why don't I look for...The golden bell?" said with a smile look

He laughs knowing there's more gold.

Y/n: "Thoughts: If the golden bell is still in the sky...Then the ancient Poneglyph must be here, too." said his mind with a neutral look

God stops laughing and changed his voice into a more serious tone. 

God: "Looks like there's a maggot at the edge of the island." said with a serious look

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