Alabasta Arc - Chapter 10

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3rd P.O.V

The war between the Rebel Army and the Royal Army has already begun in Alubarna. Vivi was utterly shocked, she tried to scream at them to stop the fight. But no one heard her voice when she was on top of the castle. Luffy couldn't fight Crocodile without knowing his weakness. All of his punches would phase through the Sand Man.

Vivi: "STOP! ALL OF YOU!" said with a sad look

She continues to yell as the people were clashing swords and firing cannons.

Robin: "You fought well, young lady...But...Your voice will no longer reach them." said with a smiled look

It was Crocodile against Chaka in his Jackal Form a Devil Fruit. He couldn't hold the fight much longer and fell. His powers were no match for Crocodile.

Cobra: "So this is it...RUN, VIVI! GET AWAY FROM THAT MAN!" said with a serious look

He shouts at his daughter, but she refused and stands up against Crocodile.

Vivi: "No...This dust devil...Is your doing, isn't it? Not yet...If I stop the attack that's scheduled to happen in 15 minutes, I can still reduce the number of casualties!" said with a serious look

Crocodile: "If we do this, the Rebellion will stop. *Grab Vivi's throat* Wake up, Princess. I can't stand how annoying your idealistic theory is." said with a serious look

He told her as she tried to break free.

Luffy: "VIVI! DAMN YOU, CROCODILE!" said with an angry look

Crocodile: "If you wanna talk about your ideas, you have to be able to make them real. You're not qualified to do that!" said with a smirked look

He holds her over the edge.

Vivi: "I don't care if it's annoying. I won't give up on my ideals, either! YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND! I'M THE PRINCESS OF THE KINGDOM OF ALABASTA! I WON'T GIVE IN TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" said with a serious look

Crocodile: "You have no charm..." said with a serious look

Vivi: "I this COUNTRY!" said with a serious look

Cobra: "Vivi!" said with a serious look

He weakly said being stuck to the wall.

Crocodile: "Hehehe...15 minutes until the Square is blown up. More and more of the auxiliary rebel forces will gather here...One after another, all without realizing their fate...Had you let the Royal Army know earlier about the explosion on the Square...Even if there had been a panic, you could save the 10,000 lives..." said with a smirked look

Cobra: "Stop! Please stop it, Crocodile!" said with a worried look

Crocodile: "In the end, your optimistic ideas about saving everything have resulted in the deaths of all the people you love so much! From the start to finish, everyone in this country...Amused me. You can't save this country. Goodbye, Princess..." said with a smirked look

He lets go of Vivi letting her fall to her death.

Luffy: "VIVI!" said with a worried look

Crocodile kept laughing as he was looking up in the air. That's when he noticed a figure that popped in front of the sun, a giant bird with a person that he remembers.

Crocodile: "It's can't be..." said with a surprised look

Y/n: "I told you that I always keep my promises..." said with a smirked look

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