Skypiea Arc - Chapter 26

476 19 4

3rd P.O.V

The Straw Hats went out to collect food for the night. Zoro and Chopper went out to get more as the others stayed with Sanji cooking up meals. Chopper turned and heard sounds that were fading away.

Zoro: "What is it?" said with a confused look

Chopper: "Those sounds seem to be getting farther away." said with a neutral look

Zoro: "It's probably the guerillas and priest going back home for the night. We better hurry and get back, too." said with a neutral look

He walks off.

Chopper: "Wait for me, Zoro!" said with a scared look

He hurried to Zoro.

Zoro: "Hurry, or I'll leave you behind!" said with a neutral look

Chopper: "YOU DON'T THE WAY BACK! Y/N WOULD HAVE DONE A BETTER JOB!" said with a serious look


Sanji was chopping up carrots creating a stew. He created two carrots' hearts and kissed them before placing them into the pot, Y/n was just reading a book. Luffy was just watching the fire as Sanji was chopping away.

Luffy: "Hmm...Man, this is boring!" said with an annoyed look

Y/n: "You staring at the fire is not your job, you know?" said with a neutral look

Sanji: "Your only job is to put the distilled water that collects in the container into the canteens so that we'll have drinking water tomorrow!" said with a serious look

Luffy: "Still..." said with an annoyed look

Chopper and Zoro returned with a bunch of food in their hands.

Chopper: "Sanji! We got lots of things!" said with a smiled look

Sanji: "Good work! What'd you find?" said with a smiled look

Chopper jumps down and had a basket full of walnuts, aloe, bananas, and garlic. Zoro only caught a bat and a frog. Sanji told them to put it in but Nami didn't want the weird ingredients to be put on.

Sanji: "You're right! How careless of me! *Scratch nape* No garlic?" said with a neutral look

Nami: "THAT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE!" said with a serious look

Robin: "What's wrong, Navigator?" said with a smiled look

She came back with a giant crystal.

Nami: "WOW! ROBIN! WHAT'S THAT BLUE THING?! A GEM?!" said with an awed look

Robin: "Pretty isn't it? But it's not a gem?" said with a smiled look

Y/n: "That's a salt crystal. Where the heck did you find one that large?" said with a surprised look

Robin: "I keep my own secrets." said with a smiled look

Y/n: "Figures." said with a neutral look

Sanji: "Salt crystal, huh? That's a great find, Robin-chan!" said with a smiled look

Robin: "I found it on the lakeshore. I thought it would be useful to have." said with a smiled look

Sanji: "It sure would! Salt is vital to surviving in the wilderness!" said with a smiled look

Y/n: "Thoughts: I wonder if he can survive in the Kamabakka Kingdom with the man dressed as a woman. It will be his nightmare if he stayed in 2 years." said his mind with a smirked look

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