Matthew 6:13

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Matthew 6:13
13 And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to pray for someone not to fall into temptation but for that person to be delivered from evil. Ask that this person won't backslide, compromise and begin to grow stagnant in their faith. Pray that God will help them continue to resist the devil and remain steadfast in their faith. Declare that the plans of the enemy against their lives not to prosper but rather they be guarded against the traps of the enemy and protected from the hidden agendas of the kingdom of darkness.

Pray the same requests also for yourself today. That you are guarded and protected. That you won't fall into sin but remain vigilant and watchful. That you won't fall into any of the traps of darkness or begin to backslide.

Pray that you remain on fire for God and remain walking in passion for God.


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