Philippians 2:3

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Philippians 2:3

3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Viewing others as more valuable than yourself is a way of saying you shouldn't think of yourself above others (pride) but rather value everyone else in the body as special.

Ask God for a heart that isn't focused on self. If we as the body of Christ only focus on ourselves, then we will begin to work for our own glory and not for the good of the body of Christ and the kingdom of heaven. When we value everyone for their grace, gifts, and talents, then we will focus on the main aim, which is to grow the kingdom of God with souls and glorify our Lord.

I want you to take time today to ask God to purify your motives. Whatever selfish ambition is hidden in your heart, whatever selfish ambition that's motivating you to serve out for your own glory should be destroyed. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and purify it from every selfish motivation and to rather give you a heart filled with love for others.


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