Niall Gets Jealous

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After spending some time together this week in London Niall and Nicole were now an official couple. They were crazy about each other and Niall couldn't wait to show her off to everyone at his birthday party tonight. They were getting ready at Niall's house when the doorbell rang.
Niall looked through the peep hole and saw one of his best friends Louis Tomlinson.

Hey Lou! Said Niall. Louis and Niall hugged as he said hey. So where is this gorgeous girlfriend you've got? She's in my room getting ready I say as she saunters out looking like a dream in my favourite color. Louis' eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. Mate?! Louis semi-screeched and fake punched Niall.

Nicole's POV
Oh my god ever the comedian Louis. Niall looks proud and that makes my smile widen. I walk over to them and say hello.
Hi Louis I'm Nicole Black. Hello Love said Lou as we hug. He gives me a silly Lou only smile and says lucky bastard just beneath his breath. Niall and I begin laughing. Louis would you like something to drink? Or maybe a carrot?

Lou laughed so hard and said girl I'm tweeting that! Niall looked at us with a nervous smile and I decided to go and kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his side and gave him a kiss. Little did we know it, but Louis snapped a pic of us kissing and posted it to his insta account with this description

Hottie kissing best mate @niallhoran #LuckyBastard XD

Later at the birthday party...

Niall and I were greeted by his friends and family. I smiled as he held me and dozens of pics were snapped. He introduced me to Harry, Liam, and even Zayn. I am then ushered into what seems like a V.I.P. room where Niall's family is waiting for us.

Niall's POV
I am having my parents and brother Greg meet my girlfriend. I usually don't bring girls around them, so they are really surprised. My Mum stands up first and kisses me on the cheek. How are ya Nialler? I'm great Mum! I reply with an enthusiastic smile. Mum and everyone this is my girlfriend Nicole Black. I eye Nicole as she smiles and confidantly shakes everyone's hands. My family are already falling for her just like I did. I feel comfortable when I see her blending in with them. The next thing I see is my Mum actually hugging Nicole and then Greg brings Theo in.

I'm not sure how Theo will react to Nicole and vice versa. Theo runs in my direction and kisses my cheek. I see Nicole take a pic of us and I see it on my insta. I pic Theo up and I mouth thank you. Theo leaves my side to check out the new visitor.

Nicole's POV
Niall is just so sweet with Theo! He treats him like he's his own son. Theo is standing in front of me and I bend down on my knees getting to his height. Hi Theo I'm Nicole. I say. Niall and Greg look nervous. Theo laughed and gave me a hug. I picked him up and swung him around. Everyone laughed at the easiness of our newfound relationship. Niall grinned ear to ear and posted an adorable pic of Theo and I. Then Theo went to his Dad and Niall and I posted our first official couple pic on our instas tagging eachother. This night had already gotten off to a great start. I'm so glad Niall's family liked me.

We left his family and met the guys who were already getting their drink on. I took a pic of the guys with my Nialler drinking beers. Harry and Zayn laughed as Niall and Lou grabbed me and handed me a beer for another selfie. Harry said chug and so I chugged all of my beer. Yeah!!!!! Yelled the lads. I knew she was awesome said Lou as he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the cheek. I laughed, and noticed Niall giving Louis a very heated look.

Baby I said and Niall snapped his head in my direction changing his expression from jealous to lovey-dovey. It's okay dear I say and he nods. Sorry mate! Said Lou as he let me go. The guys left us for a few private moments to chat. Niall holds my hand and apologises. It's just I know Lou is crazy about you and he's usually the one dating all the beautiful women. Aww I say as I kiss him deeply. You have nothing to worry about with me. I consider Louis my best friend, not my love.

Niall's POV
Nicole is the sweetest woman I have ever met. She blends in with my family and mates really well. I'm still feeling a sting from my bout of jealousy, but I'm better than that so I let it go. This is the best birthday I've had in a while. Everyone at the party who meets Nicole for the first time loves her. Everyone wants to take selfies with us.

Nicole's POV
This party is so much fun. I've had my picture taken a thousand times it feels like.
Theo starts crying and it seems he won't stop. Niall picks him up and rocks him, but he is still trying. Greg looks a bit upset. Niall can I see him? Niall looks at me and he says of course and hands me Theo. What's the matter Theo? It's ok sweetie I gently murmur. I start to sing a song in a low whisper and Theo stops crying. Niall looks at me and kisses my cheek and he whispers you have a beautiful voice and thanks for calming him down.

Niall's POV
I'm watching Nicole sing to my nephew and I love her even more. Louis pops up right next to me and says aww. Lou she's the one I say. Louis turns to me shifting his gaze from her to me. Wow mate that's....big.

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