Our beginning

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Hello Niall erm I received an invite to your birthday. Hello love what's your name? Nicole Black. Yup you are on the list. Can I email you the info? Asked Niall. Yeah it's NicoleB86@gmail.com. Why was I invited go your party Niall? You won the party with 1D contest. Oh I did? That's cool. Niall and Nicole said bye and Nicole laughed at how funny this thing was. She never won anything in her life.

Niall's POV

Hey Lou. Hey man said Louis. Lou looked at the list for my birthday party and immediately said who is Nicole Black? Lou she is the party with 1D winner. I said with an awkward smile hoping Louis wouldn't realize that I was lying. No she isn't mate. Besides the winner won't be at your birthday party. Who is she Niall? I sigh and begin telling Lou how I knew Nicole.

When we were in the states I saw this pretty girl helping an old lady across the way. She is a nice girl. We never met, but I wanted to after I saw how kind she was.

Nice lad, but how do you know she's a One Direction fan? She was wearing a 1D shirt. Niall, you must be crazy! You don't really know her! I feel like I do and I will get to at the party.

Nicole's POV

Vera he said I won the party with 1D contest, but I never win anything. Oh sweetie maybe you did win! Stated Vera excitedly. Maybe so, but I still have nothing to wear. Said Nicole with a wide grin. What are we waiting for? Let's go! Ok Vera.

Nicole and Vera had been dress searching for an hour. At least you have like thirty dresses to try on! Yeah let's try em on. All thirty dresses turned out to not be "the one". Ver we might never find my perfect dress! Stressed Nicole. I think I just found it Nicole. Yelled a hyper Vera as she ran to a dress.

Nicole and Vera left the mall with Nicole's perfect dress. It was long in the back and short in the front. White top and the skirt was light emerald, Niall loves green! I can't wait to meet him Nicole thought.

Two days later

Nicole opened the email from Niall. Wow was all she could say when she clicked a link as directed by Niall. A page popped up with a white and gold background. In bold black script at the top of the page bore this:

Niall Horan's twenty-second birthday party!

Beneath the bold title was a picture of Niall looking beautiful with his smoldering gaze. Perfection whispered Nicole. The next thing on this lavish page was the address to this ultra-exclusive event. She was actually invited to this?

SCALA nightclub
275 Pentonville road, King's cross, London, UK

Wow, just wow. How did I win this? Just then a new email pinged in from Niall.

Hi Nicole I need your address please and thanks love! Xo

Xo? Hugs and kisses? Nicole's heart pumped erratically and her stomach was filled with butterflies. She quickly responded with her address and even an xo. Wait a second he mailed her an invite, but Nicole realized that the people planning the party sent her the invite so he didn't know her address. She liked him so much, but she had yet to meet him.

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