Jealousy-Chapter 6

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(Y/N Pov)

Y/n: I'm still upset about what happened but I'm just gonna go to sleep and hopefully wake up with a brand new day

(Y/N went to sleep and woke up the next morning)

(Alarms goes off)

Y/N:*checks phone* So many missed calls from Huey....

Y/N: Imma just avoid him I'm still pissed about yesterday...

(Y/N gets out of bed and does her morning routine)(This is her outfit for today with a blue jean jacket)

(Y/N gets out of bed and does her morning routine)(This is her outfit for today with a blue jean jacket)

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Y/N: *going to bus stop and sees Huey and Jazmine*

(Huey pov)

Huey:(I know she's still mad at me about what happened last night. It's my fault to I shouldn't have let that happened specially in front of Y/N it shouldn't have happened at all)

Jazmine: sooo Hueyyy what you want to do today?

Huey: Nothing really I'm kinda not in the mood rn Jaz

Jazmine: That sucks

Jazmine: Oh look there's Y/N and what do she got on ugh

Huey: Jazmine will you please just act mature and nice for once stop being so bitchy all the time

Jazmine: I- What!? Fine *rolls eyes*

Huey: Hey Y/N


(Y/n Pov)

Y/N: (don't talk to me now today I'm showing out imma make you so mad you gonna regret letting that hoe bag did what she did yesterday)

Huey: Hello?

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry was you talking to me I didn't notice.

Huey: *raises an eyebrow* What's with the sassy attitude

Y/N: Nothing *puffs out hair and gets on bus*

Jazmine: Oh she tryna act brand new huh? 🤨


(They arrived at the school and done their classes. Later at Lunch..)

Y/N: *walks over to John* Heyy Johnny~

John: Oh hey look sorry about last tim-

Y/N: Don't worry about it it's fine imma sit here with you and ur crew rn

John: Oh wow okay!

Y/N: *smirking*

(Huey pov)

Huey: (I look over at Y/N and see her flirting and talking with that Joseph or Johnny boy what ever the fuck was his name wtf is she doing over there)

Huey: *getting angry and balling up fist*

Riley: Damn Angry Bird what's wrong with you?

Cindy: Yeah you seem pissed

Huey: Oh so she ditching us now to be with him!?

Riley: Ay don't yell at us idk maybe she still pissed at you from what happened with you and Jaz

Huey: *getting more angry*

Riley: Chill, I'm just stating the facts plus why do you care anyways not like y'all dating or something...

Huey:.....yeah but...

Cindy: Awww I'm sensing "Jealousy~"

Huey: Jealousy?! I'm not jealous I just don't like that guy!

(Y/N Pov)

Y/N: Time to spice things up since he wanted to play games he damn sure did the same thing *hops on John lap*

Huey: wtf...

John: Damn shawty what's up with you

Y/N: oh me? Nothing I just wanted to know if u had any plans tonight you know *playing with his collar*

John: I mean yeah Kinda gonna be busy tonight I got an game you should come

Y/N: Sure *giggles* *moving on his lap a little*

Huey: *getting up, walking up to Y/N and grabbing her like he owns her*

Huey: She's not going to ur shitty ass game *getting frustrated*

John: Yoo chill man I didn't know she was with you I don't want to get punch in the face again!

Huey: Good because I was planning to *Walking away with Y/N*

Y/N: H-Hey! Let go of me

Huey: What the hell were you thinking!?

Y/N what I was thinking!? You the one who was being messy with oh "sweet" Jazmine

Huey: I wasn't being messy with her okay I just wasn't thinking!

Y/N: You damn sure was thinking when she was feeling up on you!

Huey: Y/N you missing the point what the hell you was with Fucking whatever the fuck his name is

Y/N: Why do you care!

Huey: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU HE DON'T! He just loves you for your fucking body

Y/N: ......


Y/N: I- don't tell me that unless you really mean it

Huey: I do mean it and we both know it

Y/N: Then why you fucked Jazmine

Huey: Y/N I told you that happened when I was drunk and before you came along

Y/N: You kissed her back and you standing here telling me you fucking love me! *Tears falling down then wiped them away quickly*

Huey: Please stop crying just why can't we just talk this out

Y/N: Yeah I need to stop crying I shouldn't be crying over a man who did nothing but treated me like shit!

Huey: I promise I will fix everything just please let's talk this out so we can get a more understanding

Y/N: I would like to talk this out because this is breaking me...

Huey: Okay then meet me at my house at 5 no later than that

Y/N: Okay damn Mr I like to manipulate

Huey: You heard what I said

Y/N: Okay

Huey: See you soon *walks away*

Y/N: I mean I think it's best to talk it out can't stay mad at his fine ass forever but I would like to know about this whole him and Jazmine thingy.

In the next chapter how do you think things will go bad or good maybe both find out in the next chapter 👍🏾❤️

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