It's Kicking!-Chapter 39

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(2 months later after the baby shower. Y/N felt overweighed. It wasn't her it was her son she was carrying. It gotten bigger, it looked like a bomb that would explode any minute now. Y/N been receiving a lot of kicks from the baby. Soon she gotten a kick again)

Y/N: You must really want to come out huh?

(Huey wasn't home. He went to go find a nice blanket for the baby crib. The baby crib didn't have a blanket and it was gonna be winter soon so he wanted to make sure his son is warm and not freezing.)

Y/N: *giggling*

(Y/N was rubbing her belly smoothly while the baby kicked again)

Y/N: It's okay you'll be out soon. *Chuckling*

(Soon Huey came back home. He walked up to Y/N and kissed her. Y/N kissed back and Huey rubbed the belly. Huey then show Y/N the blanket he gotten)

Y/N: Oh that blanket looks so cozy

Huey: Yeah I found one in a ribbon at target. Plus he was gonna need one. I brought two they are different colors one for birth and one for his crib.

Y/N: Ohhh Okay

Huey: So we need anything else.

Y/N: No I think we good. We have a changing table and all right?

Huey: Yeah. Some of the stuff is coming tomorrow because I ordered them last week

Y/N: Oh ok thanks baby

Huey: You're welcome

(Huey sat on the couch with Y/N and rubbed her belly. Soon the baby kicked again and Huey felt it. He smiled at the kick and looked at Y/N in her eyes.)

Huey: Is he kicking to much

Y/N: Kinda yeah *giggling*

Huey: Stop kicking your mother

(The baby kicked again like he was able to hear his father instructions.)

Huey: Aw shit

Y/N: What's wrong

Huey: Should we buy a belt to or-

Y/N: Huey no! *Laughing*

Huey: Why not

Y/N: You can't whoop a baby!

Huey: Yeah but for future references

Y/N: No Huey that's not good at all *laughing*

Huey: I just want you to know that our kid is gonna be a bad motherfucka


(They been laughing and talking for 2 hours soon they invited the guys over to talk.)

Jazmine: Aren't you scared?

Y/N: About what?

Jazmine: To you know? Give birth?

Cindy: Yeahhh I heard it hurts really really bad

Y/N: It do!?

Cindy: Yeah! It's like you gonna have to do a lot of pushing and Oo lawd it's like the baby is gonna break your vagina but it's not gonna happen it just gonna hurt really badly

Y/N: Oh my

Cindy: I don't even know how a baby can come out of a small vagina till this day

Jazmine: I just know you don't pay attention in class do you

Cindy: Not at all

Jazmine: I don't even know how you graduated

Cindy: I don't know how neither

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