The Project-Chapter 11

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(The Next Day)

(Y/N Pov)

Y/N: *on the phone* Hey Cindy what you doing?

Cindy: Nothing just chillin with Riley what's up?

Y/N: Nothing just about to wait until Chase get here

Cindy: Oop what y'all about to do?

Y/N: This dumbass project

Cindy: ohh ok

Y/N: Yeah

Cindy: Alright then I'll call u back me and Riley about to go out for breakfast

Y/N: Ohh ok have fun! *Hangs up*

(Later on at 11:05)

(The door bell rung)

Y/N: *opens the door*

Chase: Hey Y/N

Y/N: Hey come on in

(About 5 minutes later they was working on the project)

Chase: So how your day been?

Y/N: Good so far

Chase: Nice and uhm Is you friends with Jazmine?

Y/N:... not really why?

Chase: Idk I kinda like her she's very nice and I mean I don't really know her like that but I kinda wanna take her out on a date or something

Y/N: ohhh that sounds nice

Chase: Yeah but idk if she likes me

Y/N: I think she do I mean y'all talk awfully a lot sometimes

Chase: Yeah we be texting and talking a lot she's very interesting and a nice girl

Y/N: I think you should ask her and take things slow and get to know her

Chase: Yeah I think you are right

Y/N: *smiles*

(Y/N then heard a knock at the door and went to open it)

Huey: He-

Huey: *scowl after seeing Chase* The fuck he doing here?

Y/N: Calm down he helping me with the project

Huey: Whatever *walking in and sitting next to Y/N*

Chase: Hello

Huey: smh

Y/N: *hits his arm*

Huey: *rolls eyes* Hi Chase

Chase: Are y'all dating?

Y/N: no apparently

Huey: *scowling* none of ur damn business

Chase: Jeez Man, chill out I don't want her

Huey: *rolls eyes*

Y/N: he meant was no we are not dating

Huey: Yet

Y/N: *blushing*

Chase: Well I think y'all will be cute together

Huey: *raising an eyebrow*

Chase: Anyways uhm What flowers should I get for Jazmine?

Huey: Flowers?

Chase: Yes I want to take Jazmine out

Huey: I mean she likes roses, and pink bubblegum flowers

Chase: Oh really? Thanks man

Huey: Sure

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