Baby Shower-Chapter 38

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(7 months later everything been going good. Y/N had 2 more months until it was time to deliver. Her belly gotten even more bigger. Today was the day of the baby shower. Huey planned it out and Y/N knew about it. She was feeling anxious because there was gonna be a lot of people plus people she didn't know but Huey did.)

(Y/N was in the shower. Meanwhile with Huey. He was on a phone call with Jazmine)

Huey: Yeah she's in the shower right now.

Jazmine: Okay well the we can have the baby shower in my backyard. Me and the others will decorate it

Huey: Okay sounds good. How many people is gonna be there in total?

Jazmine: About 50

Huey: Jeez Jaz

Jazmine: Well plus you and Riley's family and mines plus Y/N family and plus us it'll add up to 50 people at least

Huey: I guess you have a point

Jazmine: Cindy and Me is making food and snacks and stuff

Huey: You need me to do anything

Jazmine: We already have a cooler. Ceaser and Riley was bringing the water. If you can pick up some pop, wine and all that stuff

Huey: Alright

Jazmine: Thanks and see you soon. Get here before 4:00 because that's when the party starts

Huey: Alright

Jazmine: Ok bye

(Huey hanged up the phone and went upstairs to check on Y/N. Huey walked in on her naked)

Huey: You good?

Y/N: Yo! No knock or nothing

Huey: It's not like I haven't seen you naked before this is like the 100th time

Y/N: Okay well that's different sometimes people don't be insecure when both is turned on

(Y/N was talking to Huey while she was getting dress. This is her outfit for today)

 This is her outfit for today)

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Huey: You look gorgeous

Y/N: Thanks love

Huey: don't you think you gonna fall on your heels.

Y/N: Well no you gonna walk with me

Huey: Well true

Y/N: Imma take them off for right now

Huey: Wise choice. I be right back I have to go get some pop and stuff for the baby shower tonight

Y/N: oh okay I heard they was setting it up and making food do they need help

Huey: I can drop you off over there if you want me to

Y/N: Yeah I want to help them

Huey: Okay the only thing you allow to do is cook and take a few breaks to while doing that

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