Night Out-Chapter 50

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(Hugo got dress when he got back home to have an night out with his friends. Hugo went downstairs to talk to his parents.)

Hugo: Mom, Dad

Y/N: Aw shit, what he wants now?

(Y/N paused her and Huey's F/S (favorite show) and looked at Hugo in annoyance.)

Y/N: What you want boy

Hugo: Damnn, I'm sorry

Huey: Well you keep interrupting the best parts. So if it's that important talk to us.

Hugo: Oh...Well anyways I just wanted to see if I'm allow to go on a night out with my friends.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, go ahead I don't care.

Huey: When will you be back?

Hugo: Not sure but before 11. So probably around 10:00

Huey: Oh ok. Have fun, keys on the counter

Hugo: Okay Dad. Thanks love y'all

Both: Love you too.

(Hugo left the house and Y/N unpaused the movie. Y/N and Huey was cuddling like always when they on the couch together.)

Y/N: Oh my god no she didn't

Huey: Oo, yes she did.

(They watched the TV and one of the actor snatched the other actor wig off and they began fighting.)

Y/N and Huey: Damn it *laughing*

Y/N: Baby

Huey: Yes love?

Y/N: We still need to finish Empire

Huey: oh yeah, you right. Okay we can after this season over just got 2 more episodes left.

Y/N: Okay.

(Meanwhile with Hugo. Hugo left to go pick up his friends. When he picked them up Hugo started driving to the mall.)

King: So who paying.

Levi: Oh I have money so I can pay on my own-

Hugo: No I got it.

Levi: Get whatever y'all want it's on me.

King: Okay Okay

Levi: You sure? I really can pay for myself

Hugo: I got it Levi.

Levi: Okay

Hugo: Is y'all hungry right now?

Kimberly: I just want some icecream.

Hugo: Okay I'll go to McDonald's to get everyone an ice cream cone

Jesse: Okay.

(Hugo pulled to McDonalds and they had to wait in the driveway like always because it's always pack.)

King: McDonalds not even that good

Hugo: Yeah well it's cheap and it's only 4:00 around dinner time.

King: Of course

(They pulled up to the speaker and waited for the speaker to speak.)

Man: Just a sec....Okay Hello Welcome to McDonalds what can I get for you?

Hugo: 4 icecream cones please

Man: *smacking on gum* sorry our icecream machine broken right now.

Hugo: No it's not y'all just don't want to make the shit.

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