Chapter 5: You Will Not Believe This

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IMPORTANT: Once again I ask you awesome readers if you see ANY error, spelling or grammatical, TELL ME! Please, that would be great! Thanks. Enjoy xx


Zenia stared at us, her cheeks drained of all color as she shook her head slowly, her mouth opening and closing in shock, much like Xeneya’s had yesterday in History class.

Let me explain Zenia’s goldfish statement for a moment.

After Xeneya and I ran away from the library practically screaming, we tried not to turn to insanity from the creepy things we had found out. I mean, some book that clearly hadn’t been written in for a while said that the three of us were chosen for some kind of group. Well, okay, they didn’t say that it was exactly us, but how many Valentina’s, Xeneya’s and Zenia’s do you know?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

And now we’re at school and have just told Zenia everything; that’s why she’s shocked and probably scared senseless. I mean, who wouldn’t be?

“We should go back to the library and show Zenia everything so she can see the pictures and lists and such,” I reasoned, but Xeneya shook her head feverishly, biting her lip.

“I don’t want to go back! That place is haunted,” she whimpered and I laughed nervously, trying to hide my own paranoia.

“It’s not haunted, Xeneya, there’s just a creepy book there that magically mentions our names!” I was having trouble swallowing by this time and my forehead was breaking out in a frantic sweat as I remembered the feeling I had gotten after reading ‘Valentina, Xeneya and Zenia’ at the end of the page.

Dang, that was really creepy.

“Well, I guess you’re sort of right, and I do still need some notes for the test,” Xeneya said slowly, finally giving in.

“You’re certainly lucky that the test is tomorrow and not today,” I said to her, grinning as she elbowed me in the ribs. Thankfully, we had an assembly later, meaning we missed a whole hour of class! What more could you wish for?

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and not much happened other than the announcement from our school’s principle Mr. Rocer, who, if I may say so, should seriously retire. I mean, the wrinkles were literally popping out of his face, which was really gross to see from the third row, where I was sitting. I don’t know how the first row survived that.

Anyway, this time we were all allowed to go to the library, but I doubt any of us was that eager to go.

We reached the old, brown building faster than any of us wanted to.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I could just check on the internet or something,” Xeneya mumbled but I shook my head, wishing I wasn’t so persistent that Zenia should see the book. I mean, it was just a stack of papers held together by some old, cracked leather!

Well, and it had our names in it.

“Let’s go,” I told my friends and they actually gulped, like something you see in a movie, and followed me into the library. We found the Historical Knowledge section easily and I found myself once again running my fingers along the book spines like I had been yesterday, until I came to the spot where the book was.

It was gone.

“Guys, come here!” I called, slightly frantic, as my friends rushed to my side and glanced at me worriedly.

“What’s wrong?”” Zenia asked me, her hand on my shoulder, but Xeneya must have realized the fact too.

“The book is gone,” she muttered disbelievingly, staring at the empty space where the book had been, shaking her head as I checked the area, unsuccessfully. There was no trace of it anywhere; it just disappeared!

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