Chapter 21: That Doesn't Sound Good

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Hey guys! So this is the second to last Chappie y’all are getting during the Easter Break. Enjoy xx


“Oh my god! Can you believe how shiny his hair is? Like silk! And his hugs!” My mom sighed as she started up the car. “Simply amazing!

I groaned.

“Mom, get over it!” She gasped in horror and glared at me.

“How dare you? James Telger is the most amazing person on earth, and if you can’t realize that, then…” I zoned out, ignoring my mother’s exaggerated rant as she lectured me about ‘the awesomeness of James’, not really feeling like fangirling about some obnoxious Teenager.

Okay, I admit, he was actually pretty nice, but his songs are still nerve-racking and aurally painful to the normal ear.

I got my phone out once again, informing Xeneya about the Meet ‘n Greet and only receiving a bunch of ‘hahaha’ and ‘lol’ replies from her. I was about to send a sarcastic reply back to her when an unusual heat radiated from my pocket and I paused, mid-type. Slowly, praying, begging to god that this wasn’t happening, I peeked at the Special Microphone.

This day could not get worse right now. What am I going to do?

I gasped, closing the zipper again as I pondered over what to do about the blinking button on my Special Mic. There was no way I could wait until we were home, because there were still thirty minutes ahead of us, and I will miss everything if I wait that long. I stared out of the window, miserable and confused, when my eyes met my savior, the blinking lights equivalent to the beauty of the stars to me.

A gas station!

“Mom! I have to, erm, use the bathroom,” I interrupted, cutting off my mom’s still-going and very enthusiastic explanation of James Telger, and she frowned at me.

“Really? Come on, we left ten minutes ago, you could have gone there,” she whined, but reluctantly pulled over and let me get out of the car. However, just before I left, she stopped me.

 “Leave your jacket here, there’s no point in taking it with you.”

I froze, mortified. How should I explain that I need it because my SP is in it?

“Um…” I grasped for an excuse to leave my jacket on, even though it was unusually warm that evening. Still, being cold was my only way out. “But I’m freezing! Positively turning into an icicle. Turning blue,” I blurted, sounding way too guilty, but my mom nodded, though she looked at me strangely before sending me off.

That was close.

Saying that I ran was an understatement. I literally sprinted into the building, out through the back door and only stopped when I was leaning against a cold stonewall, undisturbed by anyone, and pulled out my Mic and pushed the button.

The dizzying journey had less of an effect on me as it had last time, which was a relief, because staggering around like a drunk wasn’t really the way I wanted to act in front of a goddess.

I hastily stepped into the room, taking a seat in the back row next to Xeneya (Zenia was on her right, I was on Xeneya’s left) and heard that Fortuna Dea had already started and was explaining something about evil returning.

Xeneya nudged me.

“Why were you so late?” she whispered in my ear.

“My mom was taking a while when we met James Telger. Did I miss anything?”

“Poor you. No, you didn’t miss anything, all Fortuna Dea said was that she could feel evil returning and that’s about when you came in.” I nodded.

“’Kay, thanks,” I replied before focusing on the goddess that had just finished her little speech and was now watching us with a grave expression.

“Beware, Potea Creandi. Something is beginning to stir and will cause us great terror if we don’t act appropriately. That is all, you are dismissed.”

I jumped up and ran outside, only realizing later that the chair next to me that was usually taken by someone was empty.

“Valentina? Valentina!” My mom’s shrill voice pierced my ears as I rushed back inside the gas station and literally threw myself in the bathroom. Just in time, too, because my mother burst into the restroom, looking annoyed as she crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

“Hey mom!” I said, a little to enthusiastically, and the older woman glared at me.

“Why did you take so long?” she snapped and I gulped nervously.

“The, erm… toilet wouldn’t flush!” I blurted and mentally face palmed myself. I am a seriously cruddy liar. I mean, the toilet wouldn’t flush? Who says that?

“If you say so. Come on, let’s go,” she commanded and dragged me back outside, her grip on my arm tight as she led me to the car. The whole ride back she was once again gushing about James, but my mind was elsewhere; constantly wandering back to the meeting, wondering what evil Fortuna Dea was talking about and where it was coming from.


DUN DUN DUUUUUN…. What evil do you think Fortuna Dea is talking about????

Yuki xx

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