Chapter 34: Cornered

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I was thrown onto my back with such force the air was knocked out of my lungs and my eyes became blurry with tears of agony. The darkness seemed like a heavy curtain that prevented me from seeing, and generally this place gave me an uneasy feeling.

Considering where I am, that makes sense. Well, I have an idea where I could be. But where am I really? I only remember wishing to be where Nequitiam Malum went, but… where did it takes me? Us?

“Xeneya?” I called weakly, grasping out for her hand, and holding out for it once my fingers touched her skin.

“Yeah?” came her quiet reply, and I shuddered, causing a pain to run down my back with it.

“Are you okay?”

“I think I twisted my leg. You?”

“My back hurts horribly. Where are we?”

“I don’t know, I can’t see a thing.” I heard a short sniffing noise from beside me, followed by a groan. “It smells here too!”

I smelled the air and my stomach flipped around inside me, not only from the revolting pong but also the pain I was experiencing and the terror that was flooding my veins.

“It does stink.”

“How are we going to defeat a god when we can’t even get up?”

“I don’t know, Xeneya, but we have to try.”

“Of course. What else would we do? Sit by and watch everything crumble in front of our eyes?”

“Well, that’s pretty much what we’re doing now, ya know,” I remarked, and a grunt came as a reply.

“Can you sit up?”

I tried shifting my body to a sitting position and screamed when I moved my back.

“It hurts!” I yelped, tears falling from my face from the effort as I tried to sit up, and after many minutes of complete and utter suffering I managed to rest myself against a large rock. A flash of lightning ripped through the sky, followed by a deafening thunder. The short moment of light let me see my surroundings, and I realized that Xeneya and I were right at the beginning of a monstrous bridge that was strung over an endless pit. The wobbly planks led up to a majestic palace with pillars that grew into the clouds. Instead of being crystal and beautiful like Fortuna Dea’s, the building was completely black and seemed scary, as if it were shooing visitors away.

That is, if it even got any visitors.

“Xeneya, you try to sit up,” I squeezed out, all the energy taken out of me after sitting up. A sharp gasp escaped my BFF’s mouth and I looked over to her, a dim light from above lending me enough sight so that I could see her. Her leg wasn’t broken, but it was definitely twisted and seemed a little red at the ankle. When it moved Xeneya cried out and I grasped her hand, though I winced every time she crushed it with her fingers. After many laborous minutes she, too, was sitting up, and without speaking we simply hugged each other, knowing it was all hopeless. If we could barely sit up, there was no way we could save everyone. We’ve lost.

Wait a second. The wand! I scrambled around in the near darkness as best I could and smiled when my fingers grasped the smooth surface of Fortuna Dea’s staff. If it could teleport us to different places, it could probably do everything. Hey, it’s worth a try!

We are hurt and we can’t go on. Heal our wounds so we are strong. Mend our bodies quickly so that we can win our loved ones back. Fix my back and her leg she that we can go ahead.” ‘When I Was Your Man’, Bruno Mars. Brilliant.

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