Chapter 15: Hanging With The Girls

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This is probably the shortest Chappie in the whole freakin story… I’m sorry bout that. Enjoy xx


Two days after I came back home it was already December 31st, meaning New Years Eve was tonight, but the date seemed surreal to me. I can’t believe the year is nearly over, peeling away as if it were an old snakeskin and being replaced by new.

I flicked my thumb across the screen, scrolling through my contacts until I reached Xeneya and called her mobile. Once she answered I added Zenia to the conversation and soon after we decided to meet at my house to hang out, since I hadn’t properly seen them since Saturday, the first day of the Winter Holidays.

Once both of them had arrived we made ourselves comfortable on the living room sofa and I switched on the television, flicking through the channels to find something to watch, yet nothing interesting was on.

“Darn,” I muttered, “this is stupid.” My thumb moved as if automatic until the screen was showing a breaking news story, and for some unexplainable reason I had the urge to stop.

“A big gust of wind and a sudden storm has destroyed a bank and robbed it of its money this morning in Central America. Locals claim that there was no rain and the storm only focused on the bank, but the situation was not very clear. Workers and clients rushed to safety when the tragedy hit, and when they returned the building was in the same state as shown.” The female news reporter, dressed in a tight black pencil skirt and dark blouse, pointed behind her at a large pile of concrete and distraught people.

“Oh my god,” I breathed, staring at the TV.

“The only evidence of who could have robbed the bank during this unusual sudden storm is a small slip of paper.” The object appeared in the right hand corner and I literally vaulted on the floor and stared at it. The logo was a square shape, with the two lines on the top right not meeting, leaving a gap in that corner. Inside the drawing were the initials NM, which were written in a swirly font.

On top of the logo the words ‘Hold your ground for the wind of truth blows gusts of pain that shall make you fall’ were scribbled, making my stomach churn. Storm that destroyed the bank… Wind of truth blows gusts of pain…

No, I’m being silly. It’s just a coincidence that wind destroyed a building and is then mentioned in a note. I mean, wind is everywhere, why am I getting so freaked out? I’m being seriously paranoid right now.

Still, even though I was telling myself I was being stupid, the churning in my stomach failed to cease. Something was going on here. And I wanted to find out what.


Once again I’m really sorry for the short Chappie. I hope y’all aren’t gonna hunt me down with unicorns! Hahaha jk


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