Chapter 8: This New Power Is Amazing!

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Hey guys, could y'all please help me get more reads on this story? Thanks. Enjoy xx


The tension was tangible in the air around us as Xeneya, Zenia and I walked as fast as we could to Xeneya’s house. Usually, we were always excited to watch movies or play truth or dare, but today was different. Today, when we got to Xeneya’s room, we wanted to try out our Special Objects.

I still can’t fully believe this. I mean, I just found out that I’ve got something similar to super powers! Then again, the idea of possessing such raw, incredible magic made shivers tickle my spine like little men running up and down my back.

 “Mom? Dad?” Xeneya called once we slipped through the front door, and when no reply came she grinned and fist pumped.

“I’m taking it that we’re alone, right?” I suggested and Xeneya nodded, smiling like crazy.

“Than let’s go!” Zenia exclaimed, shoving us up the stairs and into Xeneya’s room with so much gusteau that I nearly fell flat on my face.

“Someone’s eager,” I muttered, but my whole body was shaking as I got out the Special Microphone and rolled it around between my hands, barely being able to wait.

“Can I go first?” I pleaded but Xeneya shook her head.

“We should find out some more about the Potea Creandi before we try anything,” she explained and I nodded; it sounded reasonable. I pulled the book out of my bag and let it drop lightly onto my lap, flipping to the page with the list of people, and you’ll never guess what.

Our names were there, along with our powers.

How does this happen?

“Geez,” Zenia muttered, obviously seeing our names and information filled in. “I doubt this was there before.” I remembered Zenia hadn’t really read anything about the Potea Creandi, so I slowly flipped to the next page and gave us all some time to read the information printed in nearly illegible cursive.

‘Every Potea Creandi is sixteen when they receive their power’ was the first line of the page, making me realize how true that was as Xeneya, Zenia and I were all sixteen, though my birthday was in around two months.

‘The Vowel Potea Creandi have a power related to one of the elements; A is Sky, E is Air, I is Fire, O is Earth and U is Water. Y, in this case, is not considered a Vowel.’

I decided to skim the rest and not make any stupid mental comments as I was desperate to know all about the Potea Creandi and my new powers.

‘There are only the current powers and no new ones are added. The only changes are the slight alterations for the gender of the current holder of that power. Often, so no big changes are made, Fortuna Dea looks at a person’s hobbies, strengths and weaknesses and picks the lucky 26 that way.’

Now I understand why each of us received these objects! I’m the singer so I have a Microphone, Xeneya’s the artistic one so her object is a pencil paintbrush tool, and Zenia, the actress, was given something that literally let her personify someone.

This just keeps getting better and better.

‘The Special Object, no matter what it is, is unbreakable and can only be destroyed by certain forces.’

There was a picture to the side with the logo of the Potea Creandi shown along with a definition.

‘The circle is like the sign of the goddess, meaning never-ending love, loyalty, and happiness. It’s sides are round and flawless, showing true perfection. The PC stand for Potea Creandi, and the lightning bolt symbolizes ingenuity and creativity.’

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