Twin blades, twin hearts

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Two unexpected visitors knocked on Imrahil's door this very night, and the Prince of Dol Amroth realised that his life couldn't get any weirder, for before him stood the two identical sons of Elrond. He greeted them with some amusement, and led them to the Prince of Greenwood and his beloved. The lady Frances being asleep, the three elves settled in the deserted living room to entertain a private conversation in hushed tones. Needless to say, that no human could possibly overhear the Sindarin that flowed through their mouth like a waterfall.

In their saddlebags, the twins carried a letter from King Thranduil. Although they knew not its content, the pursed lips of Legolas as his keen eyes went through the tengwar script was enough.

"My father will not travel south to meet Frances," he eventually sighed in defeat. "He says that the kingdom needs his very attention albeit I do not believe it to be the sole reason. He did not write the words, but I can feel his reluctance and anger"

Elladan's hand squeezed his shoulder in comfort.

"It is understandable, my friend. Our father has had a hard time accepting Arwen's wedding, although he loved Estel dearly,"

Legolas nodded. There was much left unsaid, especially since he knew how torn his father had been to let him sail to the undying land. Surely the memory of his broken self would haunt him for centuries, and given the stubbornness of his father, he"d take the situation out on Frances for being human, and from another world. Even if Legolas was happy now, his bonding with her still condemned him to an eternity of loneliness. There was no way of knowing how upset his father was. Still, it would not deter him from presenting Frances as his wife, and hold a marriage ceremony in Greenwood. He hoped that the sylvan elves would be kinder to her than his wounded father.

"Now this is settled, I have to admit that your timing is impeccable."

The twins grinned, and only one word escaped their lips at the very same time. One word that explained it all.


Legolas nodded. Arwen had sent them in a time of need, using her gift of foresight. The prince was glad to have elven company. Despite their Noldorin descent – something that his grandfather would have been spooked at – he found that the twin's presence was a welcome support. Their shared love for Frances was a bond as strong as their need to fight the dark lord himself.

"We need to find a way for Frances to say goodbye to Earth."

The following morning, Frances found her beloved by her side with a smile upon his tempting lips, sunrays brightening his golden hair. Yet, he did not engage her in any kind of activity, helping her in a dress rather hastily, and dragging her to the dining room to partake in breakfast. Frances could feel his giddiness through their bond, and she knew then that he had something on his mind. The suspense did not last long, for as soon as her steps passed the threshold, a blur of dark hair rushed to meet her and she was engulfed in a huge twin hug.

Laughing in delight, Frances hugged them back, her heart exploding with joy at seeing her favourite pair of elves. Her feet did not meet the ground, kicking helplessly as she was lifted in the air and passed from Elrohir – ever the impatient one – to Elladan. Legolas had stepped aside, his blue eye shining with mirth at seeing the reunion of the siblings. For he was quite sure now; Frances had been adopted by the twins. How fitting that she would have her two new brothers, as mischievous as the former ones, to help her pass from earth to Arda. At last, the twins released her beloved, and he let his hand slide around her waist to claim her back. Frances hugged him fiercely, her cheeks rosy from the exertion, her eyes shining with happiness. Needless to say, that the house of Dol Amroth was in uproar at hosting such esteemed guests.

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