The wraiths

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Silence was so present that it had nearly turned into deafening nothingness. Cloaked in darkness, the little company created shadows as it slowly progressed in the belly of the mountain. Most paths had been inserted in preexisting fractures, creating stone passages hanging over bottomless abyss. Fortunately for Frances, they left quite some space over their heads to breathe properly. Her claustrophobic feeling seemed to be shared by the hobbits, as well as the elf who moved as silently as a cat. His attachment to living things and sunrays created an unsettled feeling of emptiness in his heart, and Legolas Greenleaf was but a shadow of his cheerful self as he went through the mines.

Chuckling at her own foolishness, the young woman turned to the elf to check up on his ever-glowing form. This property of the elves never ceased to amaze her, and even if Greenleaf was a little less bright than Arwen, there was no mistake so as to the secondary source of pale light within the ten walkers. How this deed had been made possible was a mystery to her, and Frances could not wrap her head around the concept of glowing people, no matter how hard she tried. From what she had learnt from the mythology, elves and men were not the same race, not even sharing the same roots. However, the similarities between men and elves compared to dwarves clearly showed a common evolution link. Apart from this, Frances felt like she was swimming between a fairy tale.

There was so much she was missing; she craved for a scientific explanation to all of this. How much of the mythology could be considered as reliable information? Clearly, there was no way that evolution could have created immortal beings that glowed in the dark while being so similar to their mortal cousins. It was strictly impossible that this had occurred naturally, and she started to wonder whose beings could have influenced this unusual line of humanity. Throughout her time with the unclassified investigations, many weird things had happened, but nothing of this range. There was nothing either that could explain the existence of the blue rock she was using to travel between worlds, except if it had been created by some higher beings owning technologies beyond her imagination. However, the adrenaline of the recent attack by the giant watcher was starting to wear out, and the creepy atmosphere of the mines was getting to her. As her eyes crossed Legolas' blue gaze, she decided to attempt a contact; it would both cheer them up.

The progress of the company was slow but steady, permitting the companions to gather and change configuration as time went by. Most of them tried to keep quiet, but some whispers added to the creepiness of the place when it resonated on the cliff like walls. The elf moved aside to give room for Frances and she smiled at him in the gloom. The elf nodded at her effort, but it wasn't a very hearty expression. The lady also seemed very affected by the ambient downside mood.

Now that they had talked a few times, and fought side by side already twice, the elf was pleased to see that her apparent coldness was slowly melting away. He was by nature very curious, especially since he had seen her fighting and assessed that her skills, if perfectible, were quite acceptable for a lady of her age. The truth was that her technique needed to be perfected, but her bravery and strength of will were more than adequate. Apart from the rangers of the north he was not used to humans, and he had been told that they were much weaker that the Dunedain. Boromir's lust for the ring was proof that the second born could not be trusted completely, yet Frances had made no move towards it. Legolas had debated the question with Estel, carefully polite as usual but nonetheless interested. There were many blinds spots in the lady's origins, and her reason to be here. Unspoken things he wasn't meant to be aware of. Legolas respected it. The first born kept their secrets; privacy was of utmost importance.

Yet he had not missed her unease at the council; her face, that day, had shown a tough struggle to resist the power of the golden jewel. He had not forgotten, either, the moment her eyes had caught his. Free from corruption and evil, her gaze only reflected deep honesty and a great deal of self-assessment. From this look, he had decided to trust Gandalf and Lord Elrond's judgment. And trust the lady.

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