Blasted jewel !

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A single clear bell rang as Frances walked briskly over the polished floor. The maid that had escorted her through the numerous glistening halls of Imladris suddenly stopped and turned around to face her:

- "There held the council. Lord Elrond is waiting for you now."

Then she gracefully bowed, and was gone, her cold beauty disappearing from sight rather sooner than later. Petrified, Frances knew exactly what she had to do but could not resolve herself to go forward. She had never been surrounded by such ageless wisdom, and saying that she was intimidated to participate to the council was a euphemism. What could she, mere mortal woman of eighteen years old, change to the fate of this world? It wasn't the first time she ended influencing some events that were I much bigger than her abilities, but this time it felt different. This time she did not feel insignificant compared to the people she gravitated around. This time she felt like a scum of dirt embedded on a rock of the magnificent city. Her experience and capabilities were so small and ridiculous compared to elven skills. Try as she might she could not fathom why they had summoned her. The blue rock may have known, but it unfortunately had never given any advice on his own.

So there she was, hidden behind a few bushes with her light blue flowing gown, hesitating to make the first step and reveal her dullness to the highest beings of this world. However, knowing that elven senses might have detected her by now Frances took a deep breath and kicked herself to go on. Crossing silently the little distance that separated her from the council site, the young lady finally emerged in the open air stone room.

Many eyes fell on her as she advanced in the veiled sunlight. It had been only a few weeks since she had come to meet the elves, and a lot of information had been given for her to swallow from different sources. It was still very unclear to her how the big pictures included this council and the finding of the one ring, and all those new races intimidated her. Knowing that ageless beings were now judging her and her presence in a war meeting was not reassuring either. As her eyes timidly swept overthe assistance, she saw many elves whose faces were familiar. Elladan and Elrohirsat between their father and Estel, faces grim, clad in a clean attire thatspoke of their status. They certainly could look intimidating when clad intheir full regalia; the wink Elrohir sent her way, though, broke his imagerather quickly. Frances addressed him a fond look before her eyes noticed the elfLord Glorfindel beside Estal. Aside from Elrond, he was known to be one of therare beings that had survived the first age and stayed in middle earth. His agealone could have been enough to crouch at his feet for guidance.

However, it was not the Elf Lord himself that challenged her coming, since he trusted Lord Elrond on many matters; his kind behaving alike. The dwarves, welcomed in the home of elves, did not seem more than surprised to see her appearance, and as she got a few curious glances from them she just smiled back. Familiar grey eyes gazed at her, and Estel nodded in welcome, saluting her last move that would appease tensions between elves and dwarves by a hidden smile. From Frodo and Bilbo only warmth was given to her, and the only hostility that was thrown to her curiously came from a man. The clear look of disdain that he shot the young lady said much on his opinion of women in matters of war, but before he could voice his concerns Lord Elrond saluted her, cutting short the probable banter that he sensed coming between the two representatives of the same race.

- "Be welcomed Frances", he stated without moving.

- "Thank you my lord", she bowed before gracefully taking her place beside Frodo who shot her a look of hope.

It was no secret that he also felt out of place, and finding somebody he knew aside him, albeit not so much, reassured him greatly. The young lady smiled warmly at him, and reported her attention back to the assembly. Already, most of the participants were eyeing Lord Elrond, waiting for him to open the discussions. However, one man was still rudely staring at her, and Frances could not help but stare back at him, trying to discern if the hostility he poured was due to the circumstances of the meeting or really her presence.

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