S01: Ep 02- School of Rocque

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As Carolynn became friends with the four hockey players from Minnesota, she told them that they could call her if they ever needed her.

What she didn't realize at the time was how seriously they would take her offer.

In the past week that she had known the boys, they had called her down to their apartment for random reasons. Carlos called her to help him find his lost helmet that he accidentally ended up leaving at the studio. James had called her down three times so he could show off new clothes that he bought. And Kendall asked her to come over to watch a few hockey games so she could learn the sport, and maybe love it as much as they did. Even Logan called her multiple times to accompany him to the library, which was the most tame request from any of them. And because Carolynn had begun to grow fond of the boys, she happily went along with their requests.

However, you can imagine her surprise when one day, while she was getting ready for school and work, she got an urgent text from Kendall.

'S.O.S! Get down to the pool as fast as you can!'

Carolynn, panicking, grabs her room key and rushes down to the pool, not even bothering to put on shoes. But when she gets down there, she sees Kendall, Logan, and Carlos standing over the pool, while James is floating on a chair in said pool, sleeping away peacefully. As she approached the three boys, they excitedly looked her way.

"Carolynn! You made it!" Carlos says giving the girl a hug, "Look at our awesome prank on James."

"I see." She says displeased before turning to Kendall, "You know, when you text S.O.S to someone, maybe clarify that it's not an actual emergency!"

"Awe, Carolynn, were you worried about us?" Kendall laughs before patting the girl on the head.

The girl rolls her eyes, smacking Kendall's hand away as hard as she could, making him cry out in pain. The boy mutters out a quick apology, and Carolynn smirks to herself.

"Is it time?" Logan asks the two other boys.

"It's time." Kendall tells him turning to the other boy, "Carlos, do the honors."

Carlos nod before excitedly yelling, "Whoa! Free hair gel!"

James wakes up in a hurry asking where there was free hair gel before immediately falling into the pool, making the other four teens laugh at him.

"Okay, yeah. That was worth rushing down here for." Carolynn says through her laughter as she high fives the guys.

"Yeah, funny." James states coming up from under the water, "Real funny. Now where's the free hair gel?"

"How sweet is this?" Carlos starts, "It's like a vacation but with singing. It's a sing-cation."

At that exact moment Kelly appears behind the group to gather the group for a day at the studio.

"Okay guys, dry off and get dressed, it's time to hit the studio." Kelly tells the five teens.

"Kelly!" Kendall starts, "What does the great Gustavo Rocque have in store for us today?"

"Harmonies?" Asks Logan.

"Breaking down some new dance moves?" Carlos asks.

"A big Hollywood party to get us some red carpet exposure?" James asks excitedly.

Carolynn knew that they weren't going to like getting the news of what they were actually gonna be doing today, so she took that as her queue to leave and go finish getting ready for the day.

"Okay on that note, Kelly, I'll let you break the news to them while I go finish getting ready." The girl says before running off to her apartment.

As she gets to the elevator, she hears all the guys screaming, and she opts to just take the stairs to avoid all that drama.

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