• Chapter Two •

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Mrs. Moore was V's teacher. She was a younger woman, probably in her mid twenties. She was an African-American woman. She had coily, black hair and brown eyes. V thought she was a pretty lady. She was a popular teacher, known for her kindness.

It was read-along, and all the kids sat on the rainbow square carpet, while Mrs. Moore sat in a rocking chair holding up an Elephant and Piggie story. As she read, the principal's voice came on the loudspeaker.

Dear staff and students, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. Newton Elementary School is now on lockdown until further notice. Teachers, please take this moment to lock the doors, and turn off the lights. Do not let any students leave the classroom for any reason. Thank you, and I'll be back shortly with updates.

Some of V's classmates were beginning to get scared. Some even shedding tears. V wasn't one of them. She did admit, she was a big scared, but not enough to cry. She noticed that Katie began to cry, so she reached out and took her hand in hers. Katie smiled at her, which she gladly returned.

All the students moved to the back of the room, and sat in silence. V didn't have a phone, so she couldn't text anyone. She didn't know how long they sat there. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. Before she knew it, the whole day had passed. V stood up, and almost fell back down because of how long she had been sitting. The students were escorted out of the school and to their buses. V was a car rider, so she waited for her mom. Laurie finally arrived, and V jumped into her arms.

"We were in lockdown today. It was scary, and my legs hurt from sitting for so long." V mumbled into her mom's neck. Laurie gently stroked her hair.

"I know, I heard. I'm sorry that happened. But you're done now," said Laurie carrying her into the car.

"Yeah! And we can get ice cream when dad comes home!" Laurie smiled at her through the  rear side mirror.

"I have to run some errands, so you and Jake will be alone for a while. He can help you with homework." V groaned.

"He's not a good teacher." she stated. Laurie laughed.

"Maybe, but he'll try his best to help you."


"Ok, so the next problem is 583+223. What do you think that is?" Jacob asked his little sister.

V shrugged. "This is hard."

"You didn't even try, V. What's 3+3?" he asked. V held her fingers up and started to count.

"5?" V guessed. Jacob sighed in frustration.

"It's 6, V."

"Wait, I think I got it. 806!" V exclaimed. Jacob smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for helping me, Jake! I think I can do it on my own." V said, and kissed his cheek.

V sat at her desk, while Jake sat on her bed on his phone. She couldn't help but doodle a picture of ice cream, since she was so excited for it.

"What flavor are you gonna get, Jake?" V asked suddenly. Jacob didn't look up from his phone, but answered.

"Flavor for what?"

"Ice cream! Daddy promised he'd take us when he got home. I'm gonna get cake batter with sprinkles!" V exclaimed.

Jacob shrugged, even though V's back was turned to him. "I don't know. I'll decide when we get there."

"Get a good flavor. Not what daddy gets. Rocky road is gross." V said, pretending to throw up. Jacob chuckled at his sister, and went back to his phone while V continued her homework. About ten minutes later, she spoke again.

"I'm done, Jake. Come check!" V said, putting her pink pencil down. He walked over, and skimmed over the problems while using his phone as a calculator.

"You got all of them right, except for number 8."

"Oh come on!"


Laurie, Jacob and V sat at the table eating dinner. Andy was working late, and would be home late. Which meant that V couldn't get ice cream because they were closed. She was mad and upset. He promised her that they could get ice cream. He lied.

V twirled her fork in her hands as she picked at her vegetables. She wasn't hungry, and she didn't like vegetables.

"Come on, honey. At least eat one bite of veggies. They're good for you." Laurie said, trying to persuade her daughter. V shook her head.

"I don't like veggies. And I'm not hungry." she said sadly. Laurie sighed. Jacob hadn't said anything for a while.

"I'm going to my room. I'm full." V said quietly as she got up. She dragged herself up the stairs and to her bedroom. She closed it behind her, and laid on her bed, hugging her teddy bear.

"He promised." she whispered. V knew it wasn't that big of a deal, but she was still upset. She laid there for what seemed like forever. Until she heard voices coming from Jacob's room. They eventually stopped, and V heard her bedroom door open. Immediately, she knew it was her dad. She heard his heavy footsteps coming closer, and felt him sit on her bed, gently stroking her arm.

"You lied." V said suddenly. Andy stopped his motions.

"What do you mean?"

"You said we could get ice cream. We didn't." Andy sighed, pulled V up from her position, and sat her in his lap. V hid her face in his neck while still clutching her teddy bear.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. Something came up at work. I'll make it up to you." Andy said, rubbing her arm.

"How do I know you won't lie to me again?"

Andy paused. "I guess you'll have to trust me."

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