• Chapter Six •

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Andy pulled up to V's school, and she let out a giant sigh. She truly did not want to be here.

"Daddy, if I do all my chores today, will you let me stay home tomorrow?" the girl pleaded. Andy smiled at her through the rear mirror.

"That's something you're supposed to do every day, hon." V shrugged.

"So that's a yes?" she asked. Andy stared out the window, contemplating his next words.

"I'll think about it." he said. V groaned. Every time when Andy said that he never brought up the topic again.

The two pulled up to the drop off area for cars, and V grabbed her bag, saying goodbye to her dad. V entered the school, walking down to her classroom. She was greeted by her friend Katie, and they both walked to their shared table where they began to work on addition warm up problems.

"Hey Katie, do you know the answer to number six?" V asked, pointing to the problem. Katie skimmed through it for a moment before shaking her head no. V sighed in frustration. She really hated math and got frustrated with it very easily.

V tried her best to solve the problem, and eventually calmed down after she thought she got it. But Mrs. Moore came over to the table V was sitting at, checking on the students. She pointed out that V had made a mistake, and that sent her into a rage. She picked up her paper, and ripped it in half, throwing the shredded pieces on the floor. Hot tears fell down her face.

"Vivian, it's okay! Take a deep breath!" Mrs. Moore said, rubbing her hands on V's back, trying to sooth her.

"I can't do it!" V yelled, slamming her fists onto the table repeatedly. Mrs. Moore shushed her, in attempts to calm her down. After that didn't work, Mrs. Moore had no choice but to call the guidance counselor, Mrs. Jones, to try and calm V down.

30 minutes later, V had finally calmed down, and was sipping on a juice box in the guidance counselor's office. Dried tears were visible on her cheeks. Mrs. Jones came in, sitting across the round table from her.

"Can you tell me about what happened, Vivian?" Mrs. Jones asked. V looked up at her, annoyed.

"It's V. Not Vivian." she said, sound a bit ruder that she wanted to.

"Right. V. Sorry. Can you tell me about what happened, V?" Mrs. Jones asked again.

V took a long sip from her juice box before responding. "I don't know. I was getting really annoyed at the problem, and I got even more angry when Mrs. Moore came over and said it was wrong."

"So you got frustrated that you weren't getting the problem right?" V nodded.

"My brother is like that too. He also gets angry easily." V said. Mrs. Jones nodded.

"Like this one time, I took a sip of his soda, and he got mad and threw the can at me. He missed though, and it spilled on the ground. My parents got angry at him and made him clean it up and apologize to me." V laughed.

Mrs. Jones seemed unfazed, though V thought it was hilarious. "V, what can we do so that this incident doesn't happen again?"

V only shrugged, sipping her apple juice. Mrs. Jones sighed. Boy, was it going to be a long day.


It was recess, and V and her classmates were playing on the playground. V was on the monkey bars with her friends Katie and Mia. Three boys named Carter, Jacob and Daniel, who V hated were watching them from afar.

"I heard V had a tantrum today. She's such a baby." Carter said to Daniel. V looked up at him with anger.

"Stop talking about me, Carter! Mind your own business!" she shouted at him, jumping down from the monkey bars.

"Why should I stop? You gonna have a tantrum, again?" he teased. V was getting angry once more. She walked over to him, until she was right in his face.

"Shut up and mind your business, Carter." V said sternly. Everyone around them gasped at the "bad word" V had said. Carter too seemed shocked.

Yeah, whatever. You're not invited to my birthday party, by the way." Carter said, his voice straining.

"Good. I didn't wanna go, anyway." V said before walking away.

V then returned to the monkey bars, where Katie and Mia were waiting for her. Mia had a huge grin on her face, exposing her missing teeth.

"What?" V laughed.

"That was awesome!" Mia exclaimed, her lisp sounding very heavy.


V walked alongside Jacob, skipping while he had his earbuds in, listening to music. It was a cloudy day, no surprise. It was often cloudy in Newton, Massachusetts.

"Hey Jake." V said. He didn't answer, due to his headphones being in. V smacked his arm to get his attention.

"What?" he asked.

"When we get in, can you help me with my math?"

"Yeah, sure." he said quietly before putting his headphones back in. V smiled and continued walking with him. A few minutes pass, and the siblings almost reach home, when Jacob suddenly stops. Confused, V stops as well.

"What happened, Jake?" she asked. He didn't answer, only grabbing her wrist, and pulling her in the other direction. V was beyond confused.

"Jake, where are we going? What's wrong?"

Jake never answered her, only continuing walking, sometimes picking up speed. V had so many questions but ignored them as she and Jake continued their path in the other direction.

author's note:

hey it's me again. sorry for the slow updates, i'm trying, i really am. but i appreciate you staying. see you in the next chapter!

Crimes (Jacob Barber x Little Sister OC) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now