• Chapter Five •

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V woke up safely in her bed. She yawned as the sun rays peered through her baby pink curtains. The girl sat up in her bed, her hands holding her up slightly. She sighed heavily. She didn't want to go to school today. Ever since Ben's murder, she hasn't felt safe anywhere else other than her home. But it wasn't necessarily wrong to feel the way she did. Just a scared little child.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door, and her father walked in, as usual holding a cup of steaming hot coffee. V smiled at him, which he returned.

"Morning, honey." Andy greeted. V's smile fell.

"Do I have to go to school, daddy? I really don't want to." said V. Andy walked over to V's bed, setting his coffee mug on the nightstand. He sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. She leaned into his side.

"I noticed that you've been asking to stay home from school a lot. Why?" Andy asked. V shrugged.

"Just don't feel like it." was all she said. Andy nodded.

"Well, it's almost the weekend. You can relax then." Andy said. V shook her head.

"No, that's not good enough! Don't make me go to school. Please daddy." V pleaded, releasing herself from his grip.

Andy stared at his daughter in shock. She had never acted like this before. She never used to complain about going to school. Now, she's so different. He was confused as to why she was so sensitive to the fact that she had to go to school. He had to look into it, because it certainly was not normal.

Nonetheless, V lost the argument, and dragged herself out of the bed, and to get ready for school.

As she dressed, she heard what sounded like arguing coming from downstairs. She was curious, but pushed the thoughts away, and finished getting dressed.  


V sat at the kitchen island, slowly munching on her buttered toast, which was slightly burnt. She stared at the now cold scrambled eggs on her plate. She refused to eat them, mainly because they were now cold, and also because of the fact that Laurie had made them. V loved her mom, she really did, but she was a terrible cook. Jacob also agreed. Once, they had both gotten in trouble for flushing their spaghetti down the toilet. But neither of them necessarily cared, because the pasta was terrible. Laurie had not only overboiled the noodles, but the pasta sauce she had used had gone bad a few days earlier. Which also explained why V had thrown up the next day.

Just then, Andy had came downstairs and was adjusting his tie, while on his way to the coffee maker. Laurie and Jake were both still upstairs. V watched from afar at her father starting up the coffee maker.

"Why do you drink so much coffee, daddy?" V curiously asked. Andy smiled, though she couldn't see it.

"The same reason why you drink so much juice. To stay awake." he responded, pressing a button on the machine.

V said nothing, and took another bite out of her toast, before tossing it back onto the plate and standing up from the stool she was on. "I'm not hungry anymore." she said.

"But you didn't eat your eggs?" Andy asked. V shrugged.

"I don't like them."

Andy was confused, but didn't push it, instead grabbing his now ready mug of hot coffee. V walked over, and sat on the couch, waiting for either of her parents to take her to school. She gazed at her fingers, running her index finger the nail on her thumb. She felt the ridges on the nail, and questioned what they might be, and what causes them because they appeared on her nails not long ago and haven't gone away. It probably wasn't anything serious, but she was still so curious.

After a while, Andy had finished his coffee, and held V's hand out the door as they both walked to the car to spend all day at the place they both dreaded.

author's note:

hi again. sorry again for this chapter taking forever. i've become really slow with updates. i can'r promise that they will be quicker, but i can promise that i'll try.

also sorry if this chapter is really short. and boring. this story will start slow, but make more progress. just bare with me.

thanks for reading, see you next time! <3

Crimes (Jacob Barber x Little Sister OC) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now