• Chapter Four •

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"V, wake up," said Jacob, gently nudging her shoulder. V only groaned in response, pushing her brother's hand away.

"Come on, V. We're gonna go eat." Jacob said, shaking her again. To no avail.

Jacob sighed, and there was a moment of silence. V thought maybe he had walked away but was alarmed to feel a tickle on her knee. She squealed, and shoved Jacob's hand away again. He chuckled, while V was annoyed. Nonetheless, V got out of the car, and walked up to the diner, holding her father and brother's hand, gently swaying her arms with theirs. Once they got to their booth, Andy sat in his own and Jake and V sat together. A waitress come over and took their order, while V scribbled onto a coloring page of a cartoonish-looking bear wearing an apron, holding a spatula with a huge, toothy grin on his face.

Andy and Jake were having a conversation, but V wasn't really listening, until she heard the word "semen." She didn't know what the word was, or what it meant, and curiosity got the best of her.

"What does semen mean?" she asked. She could see Jacob looking at her in the corner of her eye, and Andy's smile suddenly fell and turned more worried.

"Don't worry about it, hon. Listen, I will buy you another milkshake if you don't tell your mom about this." Andy said, trying to persuade the girl. Yes, V was still very curious, but wouldn't refuse a milkshake.

"Okay!" she happily agreed.

Andy looked at Jacob sternly from across the table to which he looked down at this lap, fiddling with his fingers. Not long after, their food arrived, and the family dug into their meals. V's favorite part of the meal was the giant milkshake, the other one that her father had promised her would soon be coming.

After they had finished the majority of the food, V called out.

"I'm ready for my milkshake now, daddy!" Andy sighed, covering his mouth with his hand.

"You still remember that, huh." was all he said. V nodded, arms folded.

"A deals a deal, Dad. You did promise." Jacob shrugged. Andy sighed again, and tried to get attention from a waitress.

Getting V another milkshake was a huge mistake. Sugar is just like alcohol for kids. Consume too much of it, you're bouncing off the walls.

On the way home, V couldn't sit still. Fidgeting in her seat, laughing at funny things she saw weeks ago, talking so much and so fast that you couldn't even understand her.

Luckily, after thirty minutes, V was sound asleep, snoring which was something that she didn't do very often. Andy looked at his daughter through the rear view mirror and smiled in happiness.

"I'm convinced the chef put something in that shake. She's not normally like that with sugar." Jacob joked. Andy chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right. Also, don't talk about semen in front of your sister, okay? I had to pay the price for your actions." Andy said, emphasizing the your.

authors note:

sorry if this chapter was suckish. which it prob was. also, i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while. i had no motivation, and i've been so busy. i'll try my best to update more often. see you next time <3

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