Chapter Ten: All American: Part Two

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Spencer's heart raced in anticipation. He couldn't believe the day had finally come. The day he'd been dreaming about since freshman year. The long nights and early mornings. The blood, sweat, and tears, he'd left out on the field, and the work he'd put in throughout the last four years had finally paid off, earning him a spot in the platinum All-American game.

This was it. He thought. This was truly the start of his career.

The future of the NFL was right here in this stadium playing alongside or against him. It was a big deal, and only a selected amount of players had received this invitation. It was the golden ticket every player that strives to be in the NFL wished for. And Spencer had been one of them.

"Can you believe we made it?". Cam asked. Walking up beside him, he scanned the field before them. "Two Crenshaw kids playing in the big leagues,". Cam chuckled softly. "Who would've thought?".

Watching as the stadium filled with attendees, Spencer sighed letting Cam's words sink in. "You could say that again,". He looked towards Cam who kept his eyes on the field. "Do I gotta worry about you losing your cool again with the Texas five-star linebacker today?". Spencer asked raising a brow.

"Nah, not today. Especially in front of all these coaches,". Cam pointed towards the stands. "We best be acting on our best behavior,". He tapped Spencer's chest. "Besides you're kind of right about the part of him breaking me in half,". Spencer laughed. "No joke he tackled me so hard yesterday, I thought I died and went to heaven,". Cam buckled over in a fit of laughter.

"Ayo! I could've sworn I felt the same way. My man's gone and sent us all to heaven. Like I swear I saw the light,". Spencer shook his head while his laughter naturally died down. "Hey for what it's worth, I'm glad that we got to play in the same team one last time,". Cam smiled softly. "Me too Spence. But who knows maybe I'll be your roomie at Toledo,". He winked. "You just going to have to wait until I make my decision at halftime,". Spencer chuckled.

"Yeah, okay Cam. I don't know if Toledo can handle the both of us,". Cam agreed shaking his head. "They really wouldn't be able to,". He laughed softly. "We should start heading back towards the locker rooms. Coach Baker wants to have a talk before we get on the field. You coming?". He asked. Spencer shook his head. "In a bit,". He bumped his fists with Cam's.

"Don't take too long. You know how Coach Baker gets,". Spencer laughed very well knowing how his coach gets if he's late. "Oh believe me I know. I'll head in, in a few,". Cam gave him a nod. "If Coach Baker starts yelling, I'm blaming you,". Cam patted Spencer's shoulder causing him to laugh. "See you in a few Cam,".

Once Cam was out of sight Spencer turned back towards the field, leaning forward, and resting his hands on the railing. He wanted to take in the last few moments of solitude. Still weighing his decision about Toledo, he knew in just a few short hours, he would have to come to a decision. One he still didn't really know of. He was waiting for a sign or something that would help him decide but it was yet to happen.

"If it isn't Mr. All American himself,". Spencer heard from behind him. A smile beamed on his lips turning to greet his best friend. "What up Coop! I'm glad you could make it,". He clasped his hands with Coop's bringing her in for a hug. "That's actually why I'm here. You mind if I slip out after halftime?". Spencer scrunched his brows worried.

"You good? Is it your lungs?". Spencer asked. His best friend never missed a game and stayed until the end. So to hear that Coop wanted to leave at halftime worried Spencer. Coop assured him she was fine. "Ayo! Chill Spence! I'm good. I promise,". She smiled softly with one hand on his shoulder, and the other on his chest calming him down. "It's right,". Coop sighed.

"I should've been nicer to Layla and not as harsh on her. She's not her father and instead of calling her, I wanted to tell her that and more in person. She's meeting with Patience at Slauson's and I thought to drop by and talk with her,". Spencer smiled warmly happy his best friend was doing the right thing. Squeezing her shoulder, he nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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