Chapter Three: Dinner Plans For Six

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Footsteps pounded on the pavement below in a constant rhythm with the left foot stepping forward followed by the right. With an earbud in one ear, the music drowned out the heavy breathing that was heard. Their heart pounded keeping pace. Breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth, their body heated, as the beads of sweat dripped down their skin landing on the sidewalk below them.

Making their way through her usual route, Olivia turned to catch Spencer fall closely behind her. She caught his eyes slowly making their way back to hers. Pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth, very well knowing his eyes were nowhere near hers. Spencer's cheeks heated getting caught red-handed as a smile spread on his lips.

"So are you going to keep up? Or are you going to keep eating my dust?". Olivia teased. Spencer slowed his breathing trying to not seem as if he'd been struggling when in fact he could already feel the cramps in his calves start to form. With his ribs aching with every breath he took, he started to slow down. Olivia softly chuckled under her breath. "Baby, you know we still got two miles to go right?". Spencer's jaw went slack, shaking his head. "Liv, you have got to be joking right? I'm a football player, it's all about speed and quickness. We don't do long-distance,".

Olivia smiled jogging back to Spencer, now running laps around him. "The better in shape you are, the better you are going to perform at the All American game coming up in a couple of weeks,". With a growing smirk on his lips, he shook his head in confidence. "You ain't gotta worry about that Liv. If there is one thing about me, I can perform very well on and off the field,". Olivia rolled her eyes at his comment, biting down hard on her lip to stop the smile from forming. "That's not the point Mr. James. I was hired to specifically get you back into shape and ready for the All-American game. To make sure your ribs are healed, and you are at your peak,".

Spencer smiled letting out a sigh. "So our late-night shake and fries dates are out of the question then?". He asked already tasting the saltiness of the french fry salivating his mouth. Consuming his thoughts, and now craving it. Olivia scrunched her face as if that was the craziest thing he had ever said. 

"Oh god no. Now that would be cruel. Besides, I would be punishing myself and I really do like our shake and fries date. But maybe we can limit them to only Saturdays,". Spencer laughed. "I wouldn't mind that one bit,". A slow smile started to form on her lips biting back as she looked over to Spencer.

"You seem like you're struggling. Want to take a breather? We could stop for a second if you need-". Spencer shook his head stopping Olivia mid-sentence. He sucked in a breath swallowing the pain he'd felt in his already aching ribs. "Baby I could do this in my sleep. I'm good,". Olivia held in her laughter knowing it was quite the opposite. "If you say so. How about we put that to the test? If you beat me to our favorite breakfast spot then I'll buy you breakfast, but if I win...then you have to buy me breakfast,". Spencer smiled. "Deal,".

But before Spencer had a chance to start quickening his pace, Olivia had already been halfway down the block taking off before she had said go. Spencer groaned while his legs burned trying to catch up to Olivia. "See you could've led with you were going to end up cheating!". Spencer called back as all he could hear were a fit of giggles coming from ahead of him.

"We ain't done with the race. We getting a rematch and this time no cheating,". Spencer winced sitting down on the chair just outside of their favorite breakfast spot in town. Olivia pouted her lips caressing the side of his face, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek. "You can't win them all baby-". Olivia gasped causing Spencer to meet her eyes. "I won so that only means you get to buy me breakfast. You know I am kind of hungry too. I hope you brought your wallet because I'm not those salad kind of girls,".

Spencer cracked a smile knowing he couldn't stay mad at her for long. It was one of the things he adored from Olivia. He loved that she was never shy to eat in front of him, and wasn't afraid to order what she wanted. Spencer laughed at her words shaking his head letting his eyes linger on hers, he watched her light up and decide on what she was ordering. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Still want that rematch though, and then you'll be paying for dinner next,". Olivia grinned. "In your dreams Mr. James".

He narrowed his eyes at Olivia picking up the menu looking it over to see what he was going to order. After a few moments of silence between the pair, Spencer cleared his throat grabbing Olivia's attention. "Have you talked to Layla recently?". His eyes never left the menu but heard a hum coming from across from him. "I have,". Olivia spoke. "How is she doing?".

He asked curiously after the recent events with the accident. The same night Coop was shot Layla had gotten into an accident. Thankfully Layla had made it out safely leaving with only minimal injuries, and a concussion. "She's doing better. Just shaken up. But that's to be expected for what she went through. You know you could ask her yourself since you will be seeing her tonight," Olivia said. Spencer scrunched his eyebrows taken aback, he lowered his menu to get a better look at his girlfriend.

"Tonight?". he asked for confirmation. Olivia nodded meeting a pair of curious yet confused eyes staring back at her. "She's coming to family dinner tonight,". Olivia smiled not going into much detail. "Oh and your mom and Dillon are also coming, so you have no choice but to say yes. Besides my mom really wants this. These past couple of weeks have not been easy and maybe it's time-". Olivia trailed the second Spencer cut her mid-sentence.

"Liv, your pops and I aren't on the best of terms. You really think a dinner would fix this? You know family dinners never have the best track record at the Baker house,". Olivia groaned knowing Spencer was right. "Okay fine you have a point but it doesn't mean you're getting out of dinner. You and my dad need to make up and maybe being at the same dinner table, in the same room will speed up the process,".

Olivia hoped for the best. Spencer shook his head disagreeing with her plan. "Or maybe this dinner will only make things worse,". Olivia groaned. "You're not making this any easier,". Spencer placed his menu flat on the table before leaning across to focus his attention on Olivia. "I'm just trying to be realistic here, Liv. You and I both know this dinner ain't about to make things better. Trust me I want this as much as you do, but coach Baker ain't the easiest to persuade once he has his mind set on something. Man is more stubborn than a mule,".

Spencer sighed before continuing. "Liv he ignores me at school and doesn't even acknowledge I exist. He goes to Chris and Jabari when he needs advice. He ain't happy with me these days. I understand we should've told him about us sooner and I should've been honest with him about Jordan. But Liv, I can't agree with him if he doesn't give us his blessing to be together,". Olivia sighed knowing the hard truth of the matter and seeing how stubborn her father really is.

"My mom won't let that happen. She loves you, loves us, and she won't let my father come in between us, Spence. I won't. I don't care what he thinks-". Olivia trailed retracting her sentence. "Okay...I do a little, but not enough to push you away or for us to break up,". Olivia reached her hand across the table to squeeze Spencer's. Looking down at their hands, a heavy smile formed on her lips. "Sure, in a perfect world I would love for the two of you to get along again. It would make sneaking you up to my room less of a hassle. Or at the very least for you to come inside and feel as if it's your home again,". Taking a deep sigh, Olivia met his eyes. 

"But that won't stop me from being with you Spencer. We both fought too hard and come too far to let my dad stop us from being happy. With everything that has happened with Coop and were the light that kept me going,". Spencer listened to Olivia squeezing her hand. He held onto her tightly with every word she spoke. A growing smile spread on Olivia's lips making Spencer curious as to what she'd been thinking.

"Besides if all of that didn't convince you then maybe if you agree to come to dinner tonight then maybe after dinner...we could have dessert. I could also thank you with a massage,". Olivia's tongue swiped across her teeth letting her fingers dance up his arm. Spencer's skin burned, making his heart race with just the subtle touches Olivia left on his skin. He hated how much Olivia's words and touch had a hold of him, turning him into a puddle in her hands. He would do anything to make her happy even if it meant sitting across the table with the man that he's been avoiding for the past couple of weeks.

"You had me at dessert. What times dinner again?" Spencer asked. Olivia grinned from ear to ear. "It never fails. Six,". Spencer groaned knowing he had a long night ahead of him. The waiter came by to take their order leaving Spencer's mouth parted with all the food Olivia had ordered. "I may need to get a second job if you keep winning these bets,". Olivia laughed leaning across the table to kiss him tenderly. "I heard this place is hiring,". Olivia teased brushing her lips against his.

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