Side Story - Einstein's Dilemma: on the Complexity of the Heart.

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(Y/N) was having a problem.

It wasn't unnatural for him to be having an issue; he'd commonly have difficulty with things in regards to work or his role as the Captain, but what he was facing now was so much more different than anything he had ever experienced before, and it wasn't about his work or his duties; instead, it was about Einstein.

Ever since... what, three... four months ago? He didn't remember, but it was somewhere around that range. He had been seeing Einstein, during lunch, at work, in his room, or after-hours, staring at him while he wasn't even looking. Now, normally, he wouldn't question this. After all, even he would randomly stare at people while they weren't looking when he was bored, but Einstein seemed to do it... much more than others, specifically to him.

What was even weirder was when she blushed when he stared back. Einstein never blushed, and when she did, he couldn't believe it. Sure, they had a good relationship, and they had been working together constantly, if not always, for the past two years, but for her to have such a response when he stared at him was unbelievable. And, even though she blushed, her face was unchanging when he stared at her: determined and straight-faced. Perhaps it was embarrassment she was feeling? I mean, he was pretty embarrassed when he was caught staring at people randomly, but that wouldn't make any sense for Einstein. 

She was one of the most straight-faced people he had ever met; never had he seen someone's face more immovable than Einsteins. So what could possibly be happening?

Clicking his pen rapidly while scribbling down something, (Y/N) mused over this single, rather pointless, fact instead of actually doing his work, which he had heaps of today. The light that shined down from his little desk lamp illuminated each of the letters he wrote, but he wasn't writing at a swift pace. Every single stroke of the pencil within his hand felt like an eternity, as his mind was occupied by something almost entirely different than what he was doing, which was to levy out food, water, and other amenities to Anti-Entropy bases around the world. 

Okay... it might not be the most important job in the world, but he always ended up getting it due to quote "being the most capable," which wasn't true. Everybody was capable of doing this; all they really needed was a pen and a list of forty Anti-Entropy bases, as well as what they wanted and what they needed. Was it time-consuming? Absolutely, but it wasn't hard. 

"one hundred pounds of bread, fourteen gallons of water, five pounds of soap?.. why would they need five pounds of soap?" sighing deeply while choosing to ignore his own question, (Y/N) resigned to just doing the work instead of questioning it. A majority of the things present on the list seemed almost unnecessary to (Y/N), especially when the base included less than five hundred people. What was the point of having nineteen pounds of soap for a base of that size? However, before he was able to mock the list any further than he already arguable had, his phone rang, in turn causing him to pick it up.

"Hello, (Y/N) here?" 

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