Chapter 27 - Making Love

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Rd carried sanyu in his arms and reached his jeep. Sid too joined them leaving divya at home to take care of timi. Within few minutes, they reached hospital. In the entire journey, rd patted her cheek hundreds of times but in vein. Soon she was given medication. She was under saline and oxygen.

"104° temp fever. At this case, person get fever to their brain. Also she may loose her mental stabjIility or drifted to coma. If she does not gain her conciousness by tonight, then", paused the doctor.
"then what dr", asked sid.

"then we may too loose her", he informed. "looking to her condition, I think she is in high depression state. Her brain could not register her previous incidents, that is the reason of her unconciousness. Be with her so that she gets satisfied with her environment", he added the information and left.

Rd stared her from window and had tears in his eyes to find her like that.

"this is all because of me. I stressed her", said rd helplessly weeping.
"stop it rd. I know you are tensed she is responsible for her own health. Its no use of blaming yourself and now do as dr said. All the best", sid encouraged nodding his head.

Rd understood what he trying to make him understand. He reached sanyu's ward and sat on a nearby chair clutching her hand. He heard her blabbering in her sleep.

"I love you rd. I love you. Forgive me. Don't leave me. My life is incomplete without you", she was repeated saying these words.

He could not hold it anymore and hugged her sobbing badly.

"I know you love sanyu. I know. I am with you", he said within his sobs. "look baby, your rd is here and he cannot see your agony. I assure you, I will never leave you. remember I asked you to come back. I.. I.. I am not angry with you. See I am here as I was always", he said restlessly breaking the hug, cupping her face and clutching her hand. "you remember, our christian martiage in australia? See you still have that ring in your hand. Those roses, that crowd and that kiss in public. Look sid is also there like that day. Wait I will remind you our kiss", he said sheding thousand of saline drops.

He removed oxygen mask and latched his lips with hers. He was brushing them continuously with hers. Its was their second kiss of the day. After sometimes, he found her responding. His happiness had no bounds. He stared her breaking the kiss and smiled a bit. He kissed her again and again.

There sid too had tears in his eyes. He called the dr. Till then, sanyu forcefully had opened her eyes and had been staring rd. As the dr arrived and asked for checking, they broke the eye lock, he kissed her hand and sat holding it.

"not a miracle in case of love", replied the dr with a smile. "so young man, you can take her as soon as required amount saline doses are injected looking to the weakness in her body", he added petting his back and left.

"you won rd. See sanyu is with you", said sid. Rd smiled and pecked her forehead. She too smiled in return. "sanyu, you arw fast everything but late in accepting the most important truth", sid added teasing.

"sometimes we close our eyes and think its night forgetting the fact that its brightness all over. Right rd", she marked in her broken voice with a faint smile.

He smilingly nodded his head in a yes. "happy birthday angel", he said being closer to her face and pecked her lips.

"ahem ahem, I think I am still here", he said grabbing their attention. "happy birthday, but gift is at home. It will be by me and divya both", he said teasingly.

"what gift?", she asked in a low voice.
"surprize. Now don't ask more and take rest. I am leaving and Rd don't take much time in kissing my friend :p ", he teased.

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