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(Time Skip — 1 year)

Little by little Adara and Jacob got close. She didn't know how it happened but she allowed herself to let someone aside from Bella and Charlie in. Jacob, was that person. Stefan and Adara were the best of friends but there were things she wasn't telling him and vise versa. With Edward it was complicated, there were times were he wanted to be near her every second and others he kept his distance but not too far.

It had been officially a year and four months since she moved to Forks and a one year since her and Jacob began dating. Bella and Edward had made their relationship official just a few weeks after. Stefan, although feeling a bit heartbroken about Adara getting into a relationship still supported his best friend and was there for her.

Adara and Jacob had this relationship were they both were toxic yet still loved each other. The toxicity didn't start till Jacob shifted for the first time. He wanted to know her every move. Her every move, breathe, she could even swear he wanted to know how many times at day she blinked but, she didn't care. She wanted to be with him. She loved him, and he loved her, until he didn't.

(TW: domestic violence, guns)

She didn't know how they got here. So many fights so many arguments. Most of the were pointless and over stupid things. "I'm fucken done with you, Jacob!" Jacob. That's what she called him when she was angry. His name. Usually it was Jake, babe, love. Cute names. "You're not done with me! Ever!" he yelled as he forcibly grabbed her face then her neck. He was choking her. "You cannot leave me, ever! Do you understand me?!" he asked. She pushed him off. "I am done with you! I'm not gonna keep doing this with you!" Charlie was out of the house and Bella was with the Cullens. Stefan had gone back to Virginia to see his family.

Jacob pulled out a gun and held to her face as he sat her down on the bed. Adara whimpered. She didn't dare to move. "Jacob, please" she said in a low voice. He pressed the gun to her head, he pushed her down slowly until her head hit the pillow.

Adara's mind was rushing. She was always strong and hardheaded but Jacob Black broke her in ways she never thought were possible. He proceeded to put the gun on his head as Adara cried. She was scared, not only for her life but his as well.

Adara was crying. "Shh, shh, don't cry pretty girl" he said in a whisper. He pulled the trigger making her jump a bit and as she let out gasp. He was playing Russian Roulette with his life and hers. He then, kissed her on the lips. "I love you, Addy" he whispered.

Adara didn't say anything this time. He kissed her down to her chest as she cried silently. How did she end up here? She didn't know.

 How did she end up here? She didn't know

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The room was quiet. Too quiet. "Don't you ever, say you'll leave me. Do you understand?" he asked as he grabbed her neck and began chocking her again. She tried not to panic. She nodded. Jacob kissed her one last time before walking out the door as if nothing had happened. When she heard his car drive off she cried, loudly. When Charlie got home he walked over to her room to say hello when he heard her crying. He knew Adara never cried.

When she saw him for the first time she rushed to hug him in a way of neediness. She held him tight, she was asking for protection without saying any words. The protection that he gave her. He didn't see her neck till minutes later. "What happened, Ada? Who hurt you?" Charlie asked. She could've said who it was. She could've easily said it was Jacob. But, she couldn't bring herself to do so. She loved him too much to do it. "Someone broke in, uncle Char. He put a gun to my head. He told me if I screamed he would kill me. I didn't know what to do. I was scared he was gonna hurt me" she cried. She was partially telling the truth.

"It's okay" he said as he held her close. Charlie called it in. Someone breaking into his house and threatening his niece. Jacob showed up a few minutes later. He was pretending to the the worried boyfriend. No one knew he was the perpetrator. Addy hugged him as if just hours ago he wasn't the one pointing a gun to her head. She was scared, depressed, and alone. She didn't know who to tell and she knew whoever she would tell would tell Charlie the truth.

Bella went straight to school that Monday. Stefan waited for Adara to arrive like she always did. Ten minutes early. She was never late. But, as Stefan, the Cullens and Bella walked in all they could hear was Adara's name in everyone's mouths. "I feel so bad for her. A guy entering your house and pointing a gun at your head? I would never leave my house, nor would I feel safe staying in it" the girl said. "They said he choked her so bad, they said her neck is purple from the bruises and from how hard he was choking her" someone else added as they walked by.

Adara sat in the parking lot. She was fifteen minutes late. It was very unusual of her. As she sat in her car she wondered how her relationship with Jacob got this bad. They were so happy and in love that it made others jealous. Jacob and her had their fights but he had never laid a hand on her. He never hurt her in ways she never thought he would. Yes they would cuss each other out but neither of them would ever go too far. It was always one of them walking away before things got messier.

She didn't bother covering up her neck. She was gonna play her part and pretend nothing had happened. She got out of her car and walked inside. The halls were empty since everyone was in class. But, she didn't go to class. Instead she sat in the library till lunch. She knew everyone would stare but she was prepared. She walked into the loud cafeteria and the chatter stopped as soon as they saw her. The bruises on her neck were indeed true and very visible.

Bella rushed over to her and hugged her. It took everything in Adara's power to not cry. "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you call? Are you okay? " Adara covered Bella's mouth. "I'm fine. I didn't want to ruin your weekend her away" Adara replied as Bella pushed her hand from her mouth. "I don't care! If something bad happens you call me" Adara laughed and hugged her cousin once again feeling slightly better after her words. "I'm fine" she said but she didn't believe that herself. She thought the worse was over but she was wrong. Everything was just beginning.

(Not edited)

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